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Hey everyone! What a month July has been! I want to say welcome and thank you to all of the new Patrons who have recently pledged, you all have given such a motivation boost! Also, we are almost have 100 Patrons and close to the $800 milestone goal! When we reach the $800 mark the comic will go into twice a week updates. I will also be uploading some process videos of the comic from now on, starting with the next page. I am still working on getting the website going, I haven't had the opportunity to just sit down and do what's needed to get it operational. Still trying to figure out certain things regarding that. Just want to remind you all that it's the end of the month, and in the next 3 days you will be getting your charges from Patreon in the next 3 days. So make sure you have prepared for your pledge amount to be deducted from your accounts. So that's the monthly wrap up everyone! Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support your are offering me, it makes me so happy to see so much love for Mya and Janet! You can buy a print of the comic cover over at Sinnergate.com to help support them and me even more! :D http://sinnergate.com/2015/06/04/cup-o-love-refill/


Cup O Love: Refill

So I am starting up my Patreon comic featuring Mya and Janet again! More stories and more futa sex galore!! This is the cover for the comic and you can get it as a textless print as well! Also, please consider supporting me and the comic on my Patreon, let's keep this story going!


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