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Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well!

I just wanted to give you all a life update and keep you all informed as whats been going on lately.

TLDR;  Prepping for the Convention in November had taken priority for me with bouts of inspiration for new art pieces and some mild burnout have kind of thrown everything out of whack. 6^^;;


So what's the deal?

So as some of you may know, I will be attending a Hentai Convention in November and I'm really excited about it!

I have been prepping and printing the Cup O' Love books, as well as the Yokai and Satchiko comics as well. They all came out so nice and I'm really proud of them.

However, I have been feeling off on certain days, due to a terrible sleep schedule and random life events popping up.

This isn't to say that I'm in a terrible spot or anything, far from it. I'm mostly just a little tired is all, haha! 

In November not only will I be attending the HentaiCon, but I will also be taking a much needed vacation for several days in the month.

The Cup O' Love comic will definitely resume soon, and I have no intention of stopping the other Exclusive comics either.

However, I do have to make some changes to my workload.


 For October I will be trying some new methods for my workload in order to better accommodate everything and my time. 

To start things off, I will be changing how I do my commission streams

I will take on a certain amount of commissions and schedule them out during specific days, instead of just hopping on a stream like I normally do.

So an example: I will take on 20-24 commissions of varying types, and do 4 of them on a certain day. Others, I may do just 1 on a certain day.

This is just to alleviate the stress of always having to stream when I need money, basically. I've basically been cramming projects to get done before stream days, where I'm locked in for 8 hours. 

With this new method, I hope to give myself more flexibility with how I do things.


Comics, I will also be trying a new way of getting comics done.

With the scheduling of commissions, I'll be able to just work on multiple things during a week. Namely, I will try to get multiple pages of Cup O' Love done ahead of time, and release pages on a weekly basis as needed. And I'll do this for the exclusive comics as well.


Patron Rewards

Not much planned to change just yet, I have to catch up with my current workload for August and September before I can really implement anything.

The only thing I can think of for the future is reducing the highest tier from a 3 character limit, into a 2 character limit. 

This would not be for any owed rewards or anything, but I'm thinking of making this happen for November and onward.

The reason for this is to keep things in line with my current commission pricing and time management. It's just been difficult to get everyone's rewards done in a timely manner in part to how complex the commissions can get. 

I'd rather have people get their rewards than have to wait weeks for it.


That's basically it for the updates, I hope that wasn't too much! 

Hopefully when I implement these minor changes, it wil make things easier to accomplish.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I'll do my best to respond to them.

Thanks again everyone for your continued support, and I wish you all the best!




Been following the printing saga on twitter. They came out looking great!