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Hey everyone! Got some updates for you all!

Now that my vacation is done, I can get back to work on comics and more! Here's what you can look forward to next week!


Sun, 21 - Commission Stream
Mon, 22 - Work on Perverted Comic
Tues, 23 - Flex Day
Wed, 24 - Cup O' Love
Thur, 25 - Flex Day
Fri, 26 - Catch-up on overdue commissions
Sat, 27 - Commission Stream


With this week, I am going to be trying a new schedule for how I plan my week.

Tuesday's and Thursdays will be my flexible days where I can either do extra work or take a day off.
Saturday's and Sundays are going to be my exclusive commission stream days on picarto.tv/dsan
Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be reserved for either Comics or working on the Sequoia State Game with Hizzacked.
I'll try to have more weekly streams when I can, depending on how things go each day.

But now on weekends I will always be streaming from 2pm EST - 8pm EST

Thanks again for all your support and love! I'm recharged and ready to go! :D


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