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PATREON PROBLEMS Hey folks, Seems like Patreon is having some problems processing payments from just about EVERYONE all over the site. What it seems to be is that payments are being declined, and only a few process the payment. I've seen that if you are asked to process the payment again, do not accept it, because you might be double-charged??? I'm not entirely sure what is going on, but for now just sit tight and wait until the people behind the scenes can fix things. On some other news, I will have a few new comic pages fresh and ready for everyone in just a few days! Thanks for the long-time Patrons and to the newly joined Patrons! Your guys' support is truly helping me a lot, you have no idea! Thank you! More art to come VERY soon!



just sent them a bug report about it, just in case I know there'll be another try in a couple days, hang in there dood ^^


Sounds like some real rough news for everyone on Patreon atm. Mine are pending and hope they go through. Just have to wait and hope the issue is fixed soon. Looking forward to the new comic pages.