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Hey, Everyone! It's June! I just wanted to say, thank you so much to all of you who have given your continued support, it truly does help me and means so much as well. I know May was a slow month for the comics, and I'm sorry it went that way. It's just been very difficult for me to get a solid schedule these past weeks due to personal life issues that have been popping up one after the other. Moving forward with this month, I want to reestablish what this Patreon is about. I started this last August 2014 with the intent of funding my own independent adult comic, and with it, I was able to complete my first Mya & Janet Comic. Since its completion, I have tried to start the new comic, Perverted in March. So far we are only up to page 6, that's basically 2 pages a month. That was originally what I wanted in my goals, but it seems that it's not good enough yet. So, I think it would be nice if everyone could share what could improve with my Patreon setup in general. -Would you all like me to continue the Perverted comic? -Is there any interest in Lips and Whips? -Want more Mya & Janet? -Different rewards? Those are just some ideas off the top of my head, and I am open to any and all suggestions! So yeah! That's what's going on with stuff in general, and I would love to hear what you all have to say about it. :) Thank you so much again for the continued support! Sincerely, Dsan




Mya and Janet! :3

Robin Lebesque

Well, here are my thoughts: I think your patreon powered comic is in a good spot right now, especially with all the time you do streaming sketches. You should at least finish it for your patrons that would like their characters in it. Even if you plan on making it a bit shorter than expected. About Lips and Whips, I don't think a lot of people will be as interested in this comic as they would be in a expansion of the Mya and Janet universe. You always say that they are quite popular and they are. So I think you should roll with something like that instead. New characters, developing Mya and Janet some more, drama and maybe some non-canon side comics for NFSW stuff. (even though that's what Kenno is kinda doing >_>'). But hey, if it works. I do like the rewards for your patreon where they are right now. The full character commission pinup I do like even though it needs to take off a bit more. If you finish your comic though, I'm not sure how many people are going to stay top pledge at 50$ (also most of us buy lots of sketches every month too) . It's likely going to have to change. Put up a YCH every month full commission with multiple characters and have 4 max pledges every month of 60-80$ if you'd like a character in the ych piece. Put up a sketch at the beginning of the month of the ych piece and the first few people to pledge get the spots. You can even start early if people buy in early in the month. Switch it up every month, your one YCH piece sold in like three minutes and it lets you draw poses and stuff you wanna draw. Even if it's multiple one character pieces (which tend to sell for more) Or I'm sure some people would love to get their characters in the Mya and Janet universe as side characters or guest characters. A 'join the cast' type deal. That might be a bit hard though...they'd have to be human characters :P I hope that this helps a bit :P


Hope my two cents help you out, in answering the questions you put up. -I like the fun and interesting idea of the Perverted comic and would enjoy seeing more of it sometime in the future. -I believe that Lips and Whips should be put to the side and focused on last for the time being, since there are only two pages out at the moment compared to the Perverted comic as well as the possibility for more Mya & Janet in the future. -I believe that most of your patreons (current and future) will most likely know you from and connect your name to your Mya & Janet comics. Since the Mya & Janet comics seem to be the most popular on your site as well as outnumber your other finished comic (Star Heat) 2 to 1. It wouldn't hurt to put most of your focus into continuing their adventures together and to see what other types of troubling situations Mya could get Janet into. -The rewards seem fine to me for the time being. All that being said, hope this month is a little easier on you and you're able to relax and keep doing what your doing.


Thank you Simon, your feedback has helped a lot too! :)


Aaaaaawwww this is cute!!! ^__^