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Hey everyone old and new! It’s been one crazy year all around hasn’t it?

Let me start by saying thank you for becoming a patron of my campaign, I truly appreciate your support.

Before We move on to next year let’s discuss Some things;

- For those who’ve pledged in December to the reward tiers, please send in your requests, the reward stream will be the first weekend of January. 

- Cup O‘ Love will be returning to its normal schedule of once a week with a new chapter!

- Starting in February I will be scaling back on the number of sketch streams I do back to twice a week. This will hopefully give me time to focus more on two concurrent comics at a time. 

- I will also be trying to get one full color illustration out each month for wallpapers and image sets. 

- Going to revive my hentai artist podcast, “Dirty Ink” this year as well! It will have advice, tips, and guests to help navigate becoming your own NSFW artist. 

Thats it for the news!

So I hope you all continue to enjoy my work and have a happy new year!

Thank you all again for your support!




Curtis Charles

Do I direct message you if my request if I pledged in December?


Awesome I really like your podcast, I would like to hear more. If you answer fan questions and call in's that would be nice too.