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Hello again everyone! Ok another update on things; I should have the next page of the comic finished before the end of this week/month. Starting in May I should have things under control with my scheduling so that I can get 3-4 pages done each month, as well as other art. Also, Starting in May I will be starting my new website! :D What does that mean exactly? Well for starters, it will be the hosting platform for all of my art and comics, including the ones here on Patreon. Basically, free porn for everyone supported by my Patreon pledges. On the site I will have the main comics, side comics, pin-ups, commissions, and even a store to purchase prints! And as I gain more support on Patreon for the website, I will also try to get videos going, such as tutorials and progress time-lapses, and maybe even a small podcast. :p Big things are coming very soon, and I can't wait to share it all with you awesome supporters! Talk to you all later! Dsan



Looking forward to it! Keep up the amazing work.