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Hey peeps!

Thanksgiving has come and gone, so you know what that means?

Time for me to get a crazy-hectic last week bunch of stuff accomplished before the month is over!

Sop here is the schedule for the last week of November;

Tuesday 27 - Sketch stream on picarto.tv/dsan

Wednesday Nv.28 - Yokai Comic pages

Thursday Nv.29 - Break

Friday Nv.30 - Sketch Stream

Saturday Dc.1 - Break

Sunday Dc.2 - Sketch Stream

Monday Dc.3 - Patreon Rewards for November

Tuesday Dc.4 -  Patreon Rewards for November 

Wednesday Dc.5 - New Cup O' Love page(s)

Thursday Dc. 6 - Break

Friday Dc.7 - Sketch Stream

Saturday Dc.8 - Break

Sunday Dc.9 - Yokai comic pages


I will try to stick to this schedule as best as I can, if you have any questions hit me up on the discord server!

Thanks again to all of you and your support! I truly appreciate it!



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