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I'm finally back at my desk after a too-long-hiatus!

So, let's recap;

Two weeks ago I had to leave my home that was in the path of the hurricane. Luckily nothing happened to my area and everything is good over here.

I would have been back sooner but I was also scouting out new home locations back in Florida, and had specific dates to do that. I managed to get a deposit down as well, so I'll be moving back there in two weeks time!

Lastly, I wasn't able to get any work done during the hiatus due to general health issues that came up. Basically I had Bronchitis for the past month and had to get treated just this past weekend. Lame. :p

TLDR; Hurricane fucked things up, but now I'm back and ready to work on smut!


As for the September Patreon Reward Stream that was to be held this weekend, I have to postpone it by one week in order to get things back on track.

So the new date of the September Patron Reward Stream will be October 5-7. 

I know it sucks, but I am going to use that time to update the Cadence comic this Sunday with 6 new pages! So please look forward to that and I'll make sure everyone gets their Archive passwords then!

Lastly, Cup O' Love will update next week with the last twop pages in the next two weeks, then a short one-week break to plan the next chapter will happen. 


Thank you all who have recently joined and those that have stayed during this complicated time, I will be sure to get everyone the lewd and smutty goodness that you've all come to expect to you soon!

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

Love you all!




Glad to see you came out the other side of this unhurt! Moving back to Florida? Well Good luck and welcome back! =D


Be well & keep creating ;)