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Hey everyone!

With the end of the month happening, lets take the time to go through whats happened and whats coming up in June.


This weekend starting Thursday and Friday, I will be working on May Patron Rewards. You can watch them live on picarto.tv/dsan 

I am still behind on March's rewards, but I will finally be able to have time to finish them in June, so don't worry, I will complete all rewards to those that have them still waiting.

Cup O' Love will update this Saturday with the next page, and if possible I will try to make it a double page update.

Oni's Club has 4-5 pages left! I will be wrapping the comic up in June and releasing a PDF version of it in the archive. So for those patrons pledging for the comic stick around for the super-lewd climax!

The next comic will be put up to a vote with several ideas ready for all of you to let me know what you want to see in the next one.


That's the basics of whats going on!

I will be attempting to have a solid update schedule starting this June, so hopefully I can get you updates in a good time frame with a consistent update schedule.

Monday - Patreon Comic / Archive password day

Tuesday - Cup O' Love

Wednesday - Sketch Stream

Thursday - Commissions

Friday - Flex day (either a day off or other work)

Saturday - Day off

Sunday - Sketch Stream

Hopefully this will turn out sustainable and give everyone a nice something to look forward to each week. :)


That's it for the update!

Thank you all so much for your support and love, I truly appreciate it!



Jayme Mueller

Keep up the awesome work!