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Hey everyone, time for an update on things.

Here are the content updates:

- Working on this weeks Oni's Club pages and should be done with them later tonight. Oni's Club will also have two more pages in the next week as well.

- Sunday will be doing a all-day commission sketch stream on picarto.tv/dsan

- Cup O' Love is still on a short impromptu break, will resume second week of May.

- Patron rewards will commence next week, starting Tuesday. I intend to finish all overdue rewards in this time, including February, March and April.


Now for the Dsan updates:

The last two weeks of April were a little difficult for me, as a lot happened in a short period of time. If you would like to be kept up to date regarding things, please read on.

To start, my wife was let go from her new job she started in December. It was unexpected and changed what needed to be done for us before the month ends. 

Last Thursday was when it happened, and I spent the next few days to be spend time with her and collect ourselves accordingly. We've spent the past few weeks making doctors appointments here and there while we still have her companies health insurance. This is why I have been absent from streaming recently and the lack of comics/commissions. On the bright side, I'm getting some new glasses for the first time, so that should improve my own quality of life a bit as well.

Aside from the main issue of the unemployment, my car was also rear-ended a few days after that. So I've been handling that issue as well, taking a bit more time from work.

So not sure what the future holds, seeing as how we relocated for the job position, we may stay or relocate again depending on how things go. 

Rest assured, I do make enough to support us both financially, but I just wanted to explain why my work schedule has been so erratic and why I've been behind on work. I apologize for omitting circumstances and updating everyone, you deserve to be informed.


That's about it for the update, I will resume normal scheduling starting in May and put in extra effort to complete owed work as soon as possible. I know it seems like a lot, but I can and will return the support you have all given me thus far.

Now stop reading, go watch the Avengers or something! ;P





I hope all turns out well for the two of you. <3


Dang, dude. I knew stuff had been hectic; I by realised they'd been insane. Good luck with things, Dsan. I'm sure the two of you will make it through.


Best of luck man. Also, when are you rolling out the passwords? I haven't seem to have gotten mine yet.