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Yo yo yo, everybody! Finally we are getting down to starting the new comic! This one will feature several characters from top tier patrons, and a storyline directly created by you guys! Here's how it will work; Starting at page 4, I will give a few scenearios of what could happen, as well as take suggestions from everyone, and then just go on a vote for the most popular things. The $50 patrons will have their character of their choice put into the story. Since this is going to be a "daydream" that the main character is having, anything can and will happen in the scenes. I will try to get up to 3 pages done a week if time allows it, most likely 2 will be the start of things. Also, on Sunday's I will put up the poll for each page and see what people vote on then, starting on page 4. Thats it! Also, please don't post the comic anywhere else, I will handle that on my end, including translations as well. ^_^




Hooray! Pornnote confirmed!