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Hey everyone!

So here's the plan for this week and the rest of the month;

This week I will be finalizing my move that has been going on since mid-December. (It's a little complicated but overall it's almost done!)

I will be doing one last stream Wednesday for sketch commissions, and then I am packing up my computer Thursday to ship out. 

What this means is that I will be on a the very last hiatus of this past few months of turbulence!

So, this week there will be no comic pages sadly, however next week around Tuesday the 16, I will be completely back to a full-time art schedule!

I will probably do double-updates for Cup O' Love and Spelunky Knight. By the third week of January Spelunky Knight will be completed and the full PDF will be out shortly after. Then a week break from that comic to plan the next one!

I'd like to say sorry for those that have been more than patient for the updates while I've been dealing with so many events, and I assure you that only more good content will be coming this year!

Thank you all for sticking with me and for your support! I truly appreciate it!





Knowing the absolute ferocious energy you throw into your artwork, Dsan, I've heard the horrible, crunching thump every time you've been pulled to a harsh stop and grinding halt. Looking forward to seeing you finally able to work with the shackles off. Just make sure your poor body can keep up with the full force of your determination. Remember to stretch and stand up and stay healthy. All that good stuff.


Don't take any wooden nickles. Don't get run over. Happy Arbor Day.


Take your time to set up your new home. It's important. We will stay there, no worries. Take care.