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Hey everyone!

For the past few months I have been using a google drive folder to contain the past rewards and comic, but I've never liked doing it that way.

So with the release of my new website DsanComics.com I've placed all of those past comics on a special password protected page that only $5 tier and above patrons can access.

Access the page here: https://dsancomics.com/patreon-members-only/ 

I will send all processed Patrons a message with the password to gain access. This password will change every month as well.

I will leave the google drive as it is for a week, then I will disable it and make sure everyone is moved to the new location.

So check your emails soon for the password, and I hope this is all good with everyone, let me know if you have any questions. :)




You havent send the message as i recently pledged


I have a question. Why is it in the PDF for Cup-O-Love-Doppio pages 15 to 18 are thumbnails?


Thanks for the Fix on the Cup-O-Love Doppio pdf