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Hey everyone!

Not sure if anyone read the last post, but basically I was moving this past week, so that is why there was no updates. It took a bit longer than expected but it is finally done and I can move on to work this week.

Today is Tuesday and I'll be using this day to run some important errands, work on some commissions and recuperate a little bit. Just my luck that I caught a cold too. :p

I will be holding the August Patron Reward stream this weekend, where I'll be going over all of the rewards I wasn't able to from last week. Thank you all for your patience, I really appreciate it!

Things went crazy real quick, but I'm looking forward to providing you all with some lewd content very soon!

Let me know if you have any questions or just want to chat!





Good to hear the move is finally settling down. I've got one coming up in the next few weeks and it'll be a miracle if I can put my life back together as fast as you have. Good luck with the week's work, and looking forward to the stream this weekend!