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Hello everyone! Another update / questionairre Recently I had my Patreon set to WEEKLY pledges. In October, I changed it to MONTHLY pledges. The reason I had it WEEKLY to start, was so that I could basically make the comic each week, since my average rate is $150 per comic page. I changed it to MONTHLY to be more inviting to new potential Patrons. So here is my question to all of you: What do you think would be fair in charging for pledges? - WEEKLY - MONTHLY - PER PAGE Keep in mind, while you could pledge a certain amount, you can also set a cutoff for your personal pledges per month. Example: If it were a weekly charge, you could set the cutoff to be only 2 charges per month, essentially paying for 2 weeks. So what do you think would be fair? And if possible I would love to hear everyone's feedback! even if you are a $1 patron, I just want to know what would be best overall and still be good enough for you guys. I would not make any changes until December starts nd November has been pledged.



monthly is more fair for me