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Everybody's favorite tomboy is gearing up for a fight!
But don't worry, she's got her best Bro by her side. ;)


My Gym Partner is an MMA Star

This will be a more in-depth story this time around, and it may take up the rest of the year to complete.

I really want to try something new and create a fleshed out story, so the plan is to make it a longer comic, possibly up to 40–60 pages, in 4 separate chapters. (Roughly 12–15 pages per chapter)

To better understand what I mean, I am taking a bit of inspiration from my fellow artist. Mr. Peculiar and his treatment of the story "Bun Bash", and the mangaka Niku Ringo's story titled "Nihon Futa Deli"

The story will contain:
Guy on Girl w/Dick action, Girl w/Dick on Girl w/Dick action, submissive teasing, endurance play, muscles, romance, shōnen-sports-battle fighting, rivalry, and a threesome!


Rising MMA star Tommie the Tomboy is set to fight her most challenging opponent yet, Dhalia the genius fighter!

But Tommie will have to learn that sometimes passion isn't enough, and will have to surpass her own shortcomings to unlock her true potential.

Luckily, Tommie has her best Bro in her corner to support her through the fight... and in the locker room!


I'm excited to get started on this story, and will be working on the first few pages next week!

The new Variety comic will begin May 1!




I am so excited to see what you make for this!!!


Yeah Sorry but thats the end of the line for me. That whole quantity over quality aproach is unbearable to watch especially since after Cup O´Love my second favorite falls victim to it. Seeing your works get better and better over the years was really nice and I can´t possibly comprehend why you would downgrade your work so much on purpose but it hurts to watch especially for any kind of continued piece. In the end it´s only my opinion but I believe it´s a serious waste of talent.