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Hello again everyone, this is an update with some important changes I have been planning, so please take the time to read  through and make sure you are informed.

Mainly, I will be quickly rescheduling some stream dates, and more importantly I am making changes to the Higher Reward Tiers that are for sketch commissions.


  • Rescheduling February rewards to Friday, March 15–Saturday, March 16
  • Rescheduling March rewards to Friday, April 5–Sunday, April 7
  • Unpublishing Commission Reward Tiers, March 31, 2024
  • Setting up NEW Commission Tiers, April 1, 2024
  • Full explanation and details of changes to tiers


Reward Stream Rescheduling

I was set to handle the February Rewards on March 8-10, but a power outage and other IRL things threw me for a loop.
So, I will have to push it to next weekend to finish the February Rewards.

  • February Reward Stream, New Dates:
    Friday, March 15–Saturday, March 16

As for the March Rewards, I will have to push that back to the first weekend of April.

  • March Reward Stream, New Dates:
    Friday, April 5–Sunday, April 7

I just don't have the time this month sadly, I planned to be working every day this month until the 21, but I just can't push myself that hard anymore. So I need to rearrange things a bit.


Changes to Higher Tiers (IMPORTANT)

I have been wanting to make changes to how I handle the commission rewards for a while now.
It has just become a lot to handle each month in its current form.
So I need to make some necessary changes sooner rather than later.


What's changing:

  • The Latte, Macchiato, Barista and Manager tiers are being unpublished.
  • 3 new tiers are taking their place, each with 5 spots, totaling to 15.
  • The new tiers will be rotational.

These new tiers, pricing and features:

  • Tall - $40................ Single figure with tone shading  /  5 spots
  • Grande - $65........ Single figure with flat colors  /  5 spots
  • Venti - $90............. Single figure with color + shading  /  5 spots



20 monthly commissions is being reduced to 15 for now.

I am removing the Latte tier, and increasing the prices of the other tiers.

Patrons will be asked to relinquish their spot on any tier after 2 months, allowing a rotation of other patrons to claim a commission reward.

Optionally, a patron can relinquish the spot after  1 month if they chose to.

You can re-pledge to the tier after another 2 months, or if the spot remains open for more than 2 weeks.

*In the unlikely event that a Patron does not relinquish the spot, they will not receive a reward despite paying for the spot.
(I know this sounds extreme, and I trust everyone who has been here for a long time, but this is a "just in case" clause for someone not familiar with my campaign and rules.)


When this will start:

  • I will unpublish the current tiers on March 31, 2024.
  • The new tiers will be available on April 1, 2024

I will send out 2 more posts to remind everyone before I make the changes, a week before, and the day before.


Why the sudden change:

For those who have gotten rewards from me for the past several years, you all know that I get behind on fulfilling the commission rewards. It has been stressful trying to catch up and also maintain a full weekend of streaming.

Originally, splitting the days from 2 to 3 made a big difference! But eventually I was taking longer and longer to complete each one, and some I gave more attention to than others.

I have been thinking of ways to make things easier for me, but it was only recently that I made a decision to do so.

The original tiers were meant to be an affordable option, but the demand of it all was costing me in other areas, like the comics, commissions and game projects.

While I can't just stop the rewards entirely, even for a month, reducing the amount and raising the price will be a good place to start.


I hope those in the higher tiers understand, and thank you for enduring my sudden announcement.
I wanted to introduce this a bit slower and talk with you all individually, but this weekend made me realize I can't sit on this for too long.

Again, I appreciate every single person here that contributes to my career, and I just want to give everyone a fair deal as best I can.

Thank you all so, SO much!




You've got to make sure this all works for you, Dsan. It's definitely time for a price increase in any event.

Erdno E. L.

Assume we should go ahead and leave the teir mentioned here now before it charges us on the first? (Since it charges us even when the teir is deleted)