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idk why it’s only just now it’s occurring to me that Jude and Honey would’ve been neighbors growing up, and therefore….probably friends? 

quickie doodle before bed. Honey’s never heard such a howl before! Her mommy won’t let her howl, she says it’s not lady-like….but this is a little girl just like her, with the deepest, sickest, most booming howl Honey’s ever heard! Is this what wolves are capable of?? So cool!!! >:O




Seeing the interactions between these two when they're older would be hilarious. Closeted ladylike lesbian vs out and proud butch. Who wins?


ALL I can hear is Copper from Fox and the Hound and his little “awr-roo-woo-woo” when he first meets Todd ❤️ I love puppies that think they big and mighty but no you are smol and sound it