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can u be a cat person if u are, in fact, a dog

i just wanted to scribble mal stretching her leggies so her toes do the 8 gold doubloons thing, but I ended up cleaning and coloring it. At least Topher is amused, but he’s probably high too tbh




I was wondering: When did Mal discover she was trans? I could imagine it first came about after she and Topher started fooling around. They're up late one night, having some pillowtalk (aka deep, existential conversations), and she admits that she never felt right in her body. Not because of the gigantism, but because of...other reasons that she can't quite understand. She's never liked being viewed as a man; whenever her students call her "mister" it sends a bad chill down her spine; and she has found that she's always wanted to lean into the world of femininity, putting on makeup, dresses, growing out her hair, etc. Is this normal? Is something wrong with her? Que Topher just giving her a blank stare for a solid minute before saying: "Yeah, I think your trans. Welcome to the club". And then how did Mal's parents react when she proceeded to transition?


This is a bit of a weird question so forgive me if the wording seems off but. Mal is a leopard with gigantism yeah? Does she ever get mistaken for a jaguar due to this? Ik jaguars are quite a bit bigger than leopards irl but I'm not sure how drastic of a difference it'd be in fuzzbutts


In FB, leopards and jaguars get confused very frequently. Species confusion is common in general, the average person just isn't deeply knowledgeable on the many billions of different animal species. Clouded leopards get confused for ocelots, amur leopards get confused for african, and yes, Mal gets asked if she's a jaguar sometimes. She is much bigger than a jaguar, however, closer to the size of a tiger.


This is a question with a looooong answer. I'm still working on figuring all of it out. The jist of it is, Mal thought she was a man that liked to do a bit of gender experimentation in the bedroom. It was her shameful secret until she met Topher, who not only enjoyed it, but encouraged it. Mal spent her entire life bearing the burden of other people's expectations, so it was almost frightening to finally have a safe space to explore what SHE wanted for once. To experiment (privately) with her appearance, how she wanted to be addressed, how she wanted others to perceive her. It makes her feel so at peace that it begins to feel wasteful to restrict it to the bedroom. Topher is eventually able to convince her to spend a night on the town as his "ladyfriend", taking her out to dinner and serenading her and dragging her to a queer nightclub where the folk there don't bat an eye at Mal's deep voice or broad shoulders or how her dress doesn't fit quite right and call her "gorgeous" and "queen" anyway- and yeah, it hits Mal like a brick through a window that she doesn't want to go back to before. That there's a whole damned world out there beyond the person her family expects her to be. Mal's journey takes years (and it's still ongoing), but she considers Topher her best friend because he was her first TRUE friend, the very first person to encourage her to be herself (and love her all the same).