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Young Shadow sets out to catch the elusive strawberry thief plaguing his family’s orchard every night. Turns out it ain’t El Chupacabra at all! Just some dirty, scrawny-lookin‘ coyote kid. Huh. Poor lil fella looks awful hungry. Shadow wonders if Ma would mind fixing an extra plate for supper….

How Shadow met Django~




I love all this exploring of characters you haven't touched on in awhile! I love Django! A lovable ruffian! I can't wait until you show us more on other characters like Victoria or isla! I love e your stuff, thank you so much for all you do.


I love the sky in the background so much here! The characters look so young and soft! Poor Django. I’m so glad to see him back I was obsessed with his design when you first posted him! I wonder if his family is just… not good or if simply has no family at all and is living on his own just trying to survive. I’m glad he found a safe place with the strawberry family, I’m sure he felt grateful but some resentment/jealousy for not having a family like them might have led to whatever split them apart later on. Maybe growing up he fell into a rough crowd or simply made some bad decisions, it has to be bad enough to obviously sough something awful between him and Shadow but not so terrible that some of the family is still civil with them. Maybe he robbed or broke something precious of the families, maybe even something of the late Saint which definitely would have soured him to the family. Found family that falls apart, ugh so painful but such good fictional content. I can’t wait to see more of Django and Shadow and all the good and the bad!


Did you decide to switch back to Shadow's old design instead of the all black and white one?


I mashed his new and old designs together. :3 He just didn’t feel right not being a tricolor dog