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Return of Toffee’s husband! After his debut post y’all were adamant his name be Bob (after Bob the Builder), but it’s actually Robert to you punks! >:( His friends call him Bob. And only Toffee can call him Bobby. ❤️

Beaver Bob may be grumpy, but he’s got a secret playful, shameless side he lets out every now and then, especially when it means flustering ol’ Toff’. 




Ok ok I know I already commented but I have this really stupid headcannon that Toffee is obsessed with whatever this world's equivalent of Pride and Prejudice is, and insists that he and Robert watch it together every few months. And that Bob pretends not to enjoy it as much as he does but secretly sheds a microscopic tear every time


*SCREAMZ* YAAAASSSSSS I was dying for more beaver bf.