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Topher and Toffee are too old to play at being detached and macho. They’re family and they love each other. Methinks Honey feels a bit left out.






Oh poor Honey :( like yeah she’s queen dumbass but this is such a hard feeling. At the risk of sharing when nobody asked, I have moments like this watching my siblings, who seemingly grew closer with one another while I was estranged for a few years (I ran away from a conservative home during the pandemic). Like I’m glad they have such a rapport with one another but it hurts deeply to feel like a stranger. I hope maybe she can start to find some awkward solace in her brothers one day, or at least try in her stilted, bristling, lonely way


You know after a while I realized why Honey seemed so familiar to me, she reminds me of one of my aunts. People I pity and I feel sorry for the things that happened to then but that doesn't take away from how horrible they are. Context: Latino culture is quite sexist (machismo), religious (many Catholics), conservative but in a unique way, and we are not the most open or know abouro queer stuffs,mental health, feminism, because in our countries we must live with crime, corrupt and/or useless politicians, crappy public health and expensive private health, a judicial system that make you laugh and cry how mess up it is, an economy in decline, so everything else becomes less important, it is more of a systematic classism in the majority. We don't know some thing due to lack of information and exposure. Generational trauma and the normalization of abuse is daily bread, latinos glorify trauma, we wear it like a medal of honor, because "if we survive this, why can't you? You are stronger, stop crying and stand up, if you are not weak", we preach about our family love and incalculable affection, but they never tell you that it is conditional, only for the version that they have of you in their head. My dad's family are faithful Catholics, but I think only my dad is this imperfect but good man, he don't understand many things but never judge or speak bad of anybody, he thinks that protection and care should be for everybody no matter who, but still says some thing not very sensitive, never with cruelty is just his lack of information and strict nature, is like that meme of "he's confuse but have the spirit", my mom is the same. In other hand, my aunt and her husband look normal but inside they are hypocrites who see her family as perfect saints and everyone else is beneath them. I don't have any good memories with this woman, do you know passive aggressive family bullying? The kind that no matter what you do, they make you feel that just by existing you are doing everything wrong, no one defends you because this person knows how to hurt you in a way that people don't see them as bad guy "I'm saying this for your own good" "good girls are quiet, obedient and help around the house" " don't you think you've eaten enough, dear? look you tummy" "oh! If you like it that's fine, but I wouldn't choose those clothes. You look like a boy, and you don't want that, right? Boys like pretty pretty girls" "Behave like a decent little lady, you don't want your parents to be ashamed of you do you? Especially your daddy, my poor little brother has enough problems, but I guess I can't ask for much after all you're your mother's daughter too, oh how sad for you and him" As I grew up I realized that she had a lot of resentment, pain and envy inside, since she was little with complexes about having been born sick, always in hospitals, operation after operation, she could not have a normal childhood, mixed with the fact that she let her dream go of having a degree because the economic situation, the unexpected death of my grandmother when they were little, the dictatorship of the country, my grandfather lost his job for being a union leader and had to leave his home for a few years because he is on the Red lists of possible targets, hunger, lack of money, the betrayal of your father returning married without telling anyone to a stranger who tries to impose herself on an already formed family... She created a shell to resist everything and appear strong, but that does not excuse that you try to make your siblings feel guilty for loving someone that you dont like and not blindly obeying you, for bullying a little girl because you don't approved the woman you "dear baby brother" married, for filling your mouth with the word of the Lord but pointing the finger at the "shameless women", how dare you condemn someone just for whom they love, for their color, for their country or for things they had to do in moments of desperation. A few years ago she was infected with a virus and was in a coma for a few weeks, she lost almost all of her past memory and barely remembers her family, she can move around without problems but she does not retain new information and she cannot go out alone, ironically she weere from Latina mix of Mother Gothel & JudgeFrollo to Sid's grandmother in Ice Age, yup is another person who is even scary how kind but without a filter she became, but still I don't forget everything she did to me, how she treated my mom, her attempts to stifle my dad with her selfish version of family love and how she ruined many other people's chance at happiness. So I keep my distance and just ignore her existence, no matter how much my other relatives try to make me "be grown up and see my poor sick aunt". What I want to say is that just because you belong to a group that stands up for injustice and/or you suffered pain does not exclude you from being an mean jerk or as we say in my country " un weon conchetumadre", I really feel sorry for Honey I really do, but just to that point. She must go through a very long process to change if she wants a relationship of any kind with anyone. It will be hell on the way but it is up to her.