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Biscuit knew she was staring, but she couldn’t help it.

It just wasn’t fair.  For fluff’s sake, she wasn’t that much older than Carmen- just a decade and some change!- and they’d both given birth to only one child apiece. And yet, sitting next to the maned wolf, Biscuit felt as though she might as well have been a hundred. A dumpy old whale beached next to a siren. An old maid sitting beside a literal goddess.

It wasn’t fair.

Biscuit swirled her mimosa idly, feeling her eyes begin to wander. Carmen had such a lovely coat color, all fire and heat-it would be incorrect to claim she lit up every room she entered. No, Carmen was light, plain and simple.

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Carmen is the sun.

Men turned to fools around her, tripping over themselves to greet her, to swing doors open for her. And Biscuit could hardly blame them. She supposed she’d be smitten stupid too were she a man, drinking in Carmen’s impossibly long, curvaceous legs. Such height they gave her! Such grace! And then there was that sleek tail, and her svelte, slender figure, hugged oh-so-wonderfully by her swimsuit. Goodness. Her long, strong limbs, elegant and welcoming and never awkward, and…and then her chest, soft and supple, rising slowly with her breath, pale fur bathed in warm sunlight. Slim shoulders and a swan’s neck, and the face- her face- her face that was looking directly at Biscuit-

“Something on your mind, chica?”

Oh lordy-!” Biscuit startled half out of her fur, hating that she could feel how red her face was. How long had she been staring??

“Er, no, dear, n-nothing in particular.”

”Just admiring the view then?” Carmen peered over her sunglasses, shooting Biscuit a cheeky wink that was just a bit too knowing.

Oh! N-no, of course not!” Biscuit hated that she could feel how hot her cheeks were, and she found herself wishing that the sun would be merciful enough to vaporize her on the spot.

She wasn’t- well.

An interest in the fairer sex was all well and good for her daughter Judith, who was more man than she-wolf anyway, but Biscuit…Biscuit wasn’t one of those. She was old-school, as her children would say. Traditional. A good old girl.

Carmen giggled sweetly. ”Relax, mi amor.”

Then she leaned forward.

The movement was sudden, with Carmen leaning nearly out of her chair- bridging the gap between their lawn chairs, outstretching her arm and breaking into Biscuit’s personal space. She was suddenly close, far too close, close enough for Biscuit to see the playful, glinting green eyes behind the dark sheen of her sunglasses, close enough for Biscuit to nearly peer down her bikini top- close enough to feel Carmen’s breath against her face.

Oh sweet merciful heavens.

The older dog sucked in a breath that seemed to shatter in her lungs, every strand of fur standing on edge- as for one terrifying, dazzling second, she was sure Carmen was going to kiss her.

Abruptly, however, the spell broke, and Carmen sunk neatly back into her own chair.

”Silly perrita, I already know I could never steal you away from your darling Bud.” Carmen mused.

Oh right, Biscuit recalled, feebly remembering how to breathe. She was married.

”Buuuuut that doesn’t mean my thieving capacity should be underestimated.” The maned wolf lilted, cheerfully swirling the bright orange contents of her newfound prize. And she began to drink.

The mimosa. Biscuit blinked. Carmen had leaned over to steal her mimosa.

Cheeky wolf.

Still shell-shocked, Biscuit watched the woman sip at her drink, her lips against the very same dripping glass where Biscuit’s mouth had just been- an indirect kiss-


She felt a heat bloom in her gut that had nothing to do with the summer sun.

….I think I need to speak with Judith.


stealth edit: fixed Carmen’s color palette 

a warmup doodle that got a bit out of hand. biscuit has a crush and has no idea what to do with that information




Biscuit doesn't want to HAVE that body to herself she wants to have THAT body to herself 👀


They should run away together


DYING for that convo w Jude now OMGGGG


You are never too old to experience gay panic, Biscuit!


I'm crying, been there Biscuit. I always love writing/reading awkward aroused panic scenes, they make my heart sing! Makes me want to kickstart those scene drawings I always said I was going to do 😩 So much respect to Carmen for seeing her opportunity to both steal some alcohol and fluster a (closeted?) "proper" lady 😏


I'm also looking respectfully, biscuit lol. I'm glad you have a character who discovers that she's queer way later in life. You don't see a lot of that in media.


Oh lordy indeed, Biscuit! The mortifying combination of Realizing both that she's got a crush AND that said crush is well aware of it? I, too, would combust on the spot. I'm liking the darker colors on Carmen! This color scheme makes me think of spicy chips, which I suppose is appropriate given the situation here, hahah. What would Biscuit having a conversation with Jude look like/how do you think it would shake out? Could it potentially be a good opportunity for. not just some self-examination on Biscuit's part, but also perhaps an opportunity for.. bonding/learning to understand her daughter a bit better, too? It seems like Sunny is kinda her golden child, but what's her relationship with Jude like?


biscuit has got to be my favorite fuzzbuts character by farrrr... I just cant help but root for her, I hope she becomes more comfortable in her own skin and with her sexuality...


also, i can't help but find this so extremely relatable lol?? i have been the jude in almost this exact situation with my own mother .....


Biscuit: JUDITH HELP IS LESBIANISM CONTAGIOUS Jude: Cripes, Mom, no. You just have a little crush is all. It’s honestly a bit sweet, seeing you all worked up over something so innocent. Biscuit: Judith you don’t understand! Just last week she….she invited me over for pancakes! Jude: And? That’s just plain nice of her. *huffs* ….Wish Savannah would make me pancakes. Biscuit: No, I….during breakfast, for just a moment, I…..I wondered what it’d be like to erm…..t-to lick the maple syrup from her fingers. Jude: *whistles* Wow-whee! You’ve got it BAD, huh? *big dumb wolf grin* Gosh, mom, I thought you just wanted to like, hold hands with some old lady. That there is some premium-grade sapphic stuff. You dirty old birdy! Biscuit: !!!! *dies* Jude: Heheh, I’m proud of you, mama. So, have you asked her out yet? Biscuit: Asked her out…? Judy, I’m MARRIED. Jude: ….So? Sav and I messed around with lots of girls, even back when we were married. Biscuit: Wait, YOU were married- Jude: Just like, communicate. Dad’s an old dog, ma, but you never know. If you talk to him, he may just surprise you.


Oh Biscuit, I know the feeling. Hang in there, sweet lady. Loving yourself takes so much practice.


Thank you! :D Iiiiii definitely need to draw more of Jude’s relationships with her family. Her relationship with Biscuit is….functional, I guess? There’s definitely a lot of generational disconnect, a lot of species disconnect. Biscuit adopted a little pup in the hopes of having the precious little princess she always wanted, and then Jude grew up into a giant hulking monster. Biscuit never got the daughter she wanted, and there’s a bit of discomfort there, a tiny bit of resentment on Biscuit’s part. She loves Jude, obviously, buuuut she doesn’t understand her at all. She’s polite and motherly to Jude, but in a way that’s stiff and rather awkward- she never knows what to TALK to Jude about, do they have any shared interests at all? Jude likes mud and sports and rock and roll and fixing car engines and cleaning out grease traps and lifting weights and Biscuit just does not know what to DO with that. She’s a little afraid of Jude and her too-loud laugh and jokes that Biscuit never quite gets and easy charm with women that makes Biscuit uncomfortable. Jude, meanwhile….likes her mom just fine, even if they don’t have much in common. She’d like to be closer to Biscuit and is always trying to invite her along and include her (eg. sending Biscuit tickets to Maul Madness’s shows) and trying not to feel too hurt when Biscuit makes excuses (while Biscuit tries not to feel guilty about doing so). It’s an awkward relationship with lots of room for growth, I imagine Biscuit grappling with her own queerness would be exactly the common ground they need.


nooo I love biscuits mom bod, I feel for her ;-; genuinely it's so nice the variety of body shapes yr cast has- especially with how often fat bodies are drawn to an idealized/thin-waist-but-thick-thighs standard, it's nice to see fun and interesting characters who are also rocking real body proportions

Emily Lemur

Last night I wished for Biscuit x Carmen and tonight I have RECEIVED!


Carmen and her ex Angel share custody of their young daughter, Primrose. Angel would proooobably have a pretty unpleasant reaction to Carmen running away with their kid, especially to be with some old lady. It’s better for Biscuit’s health that everybody remain where they are, haha oh also Carmen may or may not still have unresolved and complicated feelings for her little bastard ex that somewhat hinder her ability to form new relationships


Thank you! Even Carmen has a little bit of a stomach pooch, a combination of the regular loose belly skin even super thin people have and a leftover from her past pregnancy. Real bodies are so beautiful and I think artists often do a real disservice hiding things like skin folds and cellulite and body hair. Draw the flab! >:O


Aww I love that even if they have their differences, their relationship is good enough that Biscuit immediately wants to/feels comfortable talking to Jude and she is fine with advice back and even teasing. It’s sweet to see!


Is Jude close to Buddy at all? Do they bond over grilling steaks and changing tires? Or does Buddy ever feel threatened by his daughter being so much bigger and stronger than he is?


Carmen is just teasing. She doesn’t actually want to hurt Biscuit’s marriage, and while Biscuit may indeed have feelings for her, dogs are notoriously loyal. She would never act on her feelings behind Bud’s back, she already feels guilty enough over being attracted to Carmen in the first place.


Just completely straight thoughts here! Just gals being pals! No sexual tension at alllllll 💅🌈


Well…..clearly this picture has proven to me that even though I am a proud asexual, I am not above temptations of the flesh at times. GORGEOUS GIRLS BOTH OF THEM AND HO SHIT THAT WAS SOME GOOD ASS SAPPHIC SHIPPING!!!! Biscuit, you ARE a GODDESS and I want your swimming suit.


Oh yes. Out of his three children, Buddy is closest with Jude. He’s never not completely stoked to see her. She’s so BIG and STRONG, and unlike his other kids she actually cares about the importance of maintaining clean gutters! As puppies in little league Sunny was so scared he’d run away from the ball, while Jude once hit a home run Bud swears must’ve flown clear into orbit! He thinks his daughter is just so COOL. Bud and Jude can talk grilling and football and home repair all day, he’s supportive of her dating and hobbies in a semi-misguided but still sweet way, he’s uncritical of Jude in a way Sunny and Cass are honestly kinda jealous of. In a (somewhat problematic) way, Jude is the “son” Buddy always wanted.


Aaaaaah this was sooo enjoyable to read! Thanks à LOT! 😍

Angsty Ram

Man, I know Biscuit still loves her husband and Carmen still has feelings for hers (as much as she wishes she didn't) but I do think of another life of these two where they can at least have a little smooch. Just one little world.


I wonder how that talk with Jude goes. How Jude feels, if she offers advice, would she be supportive or mad, or a cluster of different feelings


...yyyyyeeeeEEESSS!!👀 Love yourself Biscuit 🩵

Marta Tarasiuk

The fact that Biscuit didn't even think about Bud before Carmen reminded her is telling.