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considering making Mimi Odd’s eccentric microprimate mother. He seems to have inherited her love for research annd eating live wriggling grubs, as well as her deeply unnerving stare. In the words of Finn, “You’re makin’ a looooot of eye contact there, bud




i love this new development... im curious, did mimi have trouble carrying Odd? aye-ayes grow up to 12-16 inches, meanwhile bearcats grow up to 38, and i know you mentioned before that mixed couples have to be wary of size differences when reproducing. is this one of those cases, or is it not a very drastic enough size difference to matter, vs if it was like a shark and a seal or a chipmunk and a giraffe? (im sorry for that imagery)


Not really, actually! Infant binturongs can be more than twice the size of infant aye-ayes, but many animals are "stretchy", so to speak. The uterus can expand to a pretty extreme size, similarly to human women who carry triplets, quadruplets, etc. Still, pregnancies of this nature are inherently high risk, as both uterus and mother have a capacity limit for the fetus's weight and volume. There's usually a point in the fetus' development where it's size will trigger the body to go into labor....whether the fetus is ready to leave the womb or not. Doctors monitored Mimi closely and rather than risk Odd's rapid growth harming Mimi, they induced her labor early. This is standard for parents of larger offspring. Odd had to finish developing in an incubator, Mimi sat with him for weeks taking notes and sketching him.


Curious Do you ever plan on going back to the mlp pandoraverse thing? I like the art of the new current thing you’re doing cause you have quite the affinity of drawing animals Hope this doesn’t offend you or irritate you in anyway cause I’ve seen some people get snapped at :”) I just wanna enjoy art as a humble patron my friend


I'm glad you're enjoying my animal art, and I'm happy to have you as a patron. :) I may draw the occasional bit of MLP/pandoraverse content every once in a while, but I can't say I'm all that interested in it anymore. I did draw art and write stories for it for a solid 7-8 years, after so long you just kinda start running out of ideas. :/ I wouldn't say I'll never draw pony stuff again (because of course I will, the mood does still strike sometimes, just not so often as it used to), but for the most part my Patreon is focused on Fuzzbutts and non-mlp doodles.


That’s understandable lopoditty, but even if you can’t pick it up, it’s had such a good run and I’m happy I found your art the way I did :”) I hope you have a good summer!


I'm glad too, and you as well! Grateful to have your support. ❀ In truth, I have been feeling nostalgic over the ponies for a while now. I hope to turn out a doodle or two during my summer break~