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got asked to see what code red does to a person, should’ve included that in my last post whooops. Madeline gets to be our guinea pig.

tw for drug use, discussion of gore

A low dose of CR has a similar effect to a prescription stimulant, or perhaps a very strong cup of coffee. All carnivores have had their instincts greatly dulled over the steady course of evolution and needing to live in a civilized society, CR is a jolt through the nervous system that “wakes up” these buried instincts. Animals typically gain increased focus and alertness, the sense of smell and taste grow sharper, food tastes great! Especially meat. Some users report being able to hear the heartbeats of prey animals from a distance or experience greatly enhanced confidence, it’s unclear how much of this is exaggerated.

A high dose of CR is where things get interesting. Carnivores report being able to stay awake for days at a time. Many believe their physical strength is enhanced (really the drug just improves stamina and messes with exhaustion and pain cues). Ferocity increases, libido increases, many may experience irritability and even aggressive urges. At higher levels, users will exhibit rabies-like symptoms. The salivary glands overproduce frothy drool, speech becomes difficult. The eyes bulge, the heart races, cognition begins to fail. Code Red can and will cause hyperaggression, increased hunger and thirst. In dogfighting rings, users may be compelled to ingest blood, fur, or flesh they rip from their opponents. At these levels the drug becomes quite dangerous to the user, as the heart must pump faster and faster, there is a danger of heart attack or cardiac arrest. While Virgil is thus very careful about the dose levels he provides, that has not always been the case



Melody Williamson

Ok i have a theory and I'm probably crazy but is this going to be the revival of the aerostorm flips his shit arc?


If it contains amphetamines like you mentioned before, are there all drugs that exist in the human world also in the FB world?


Yep! I believe I've shown a few characters smoking weed before. As in our world, drug use (and abuse) is fairly common. They do still do drugs like animals would, however- for example, some herbivores enjoy eating opium poppies, rather than taking opioid drugs like a human might. They might then turn to things like oxycodone or heroin as their tolerance grows.