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tired of vaguely hinting at Virgil and Sunny’s ominous backstory, might as well actually delve into it. I decided they needed noticeably different “younger” designs as an easy visual shorthand to show when a scene is set in the past, so have some quick concept art of dweeb ‘yeen and mcgruff the crime dog

Sunny dream growing up was to become a police officer, and he did so pretty much right out of high school. He is woefully ignorant to the deep-seeded connection between crime and poverty, he’s honestly a bit disappointed because he thought being a cop would be more like how it is on tv? Chasing down bad guys and helping old ladies across the street! Hero stuff, not
whatever this is.

Sunny is a good dog and typically does what he’s told without question, even if it’s boredly standing guard outside a chain store to make sure the homeless don’t loiter or sleep where it’s warm and well-lit(Something doesn’t feel quite right about this, but Sunny can’t put a finger on it

Virgil’s dream growing up was to become a neuroscientist and help mentally ill people,  but he and Savannah entered adulthood broke and pretty much homeless, so their efforts had to go toward locking down housing and getting Savannah into a good nursing school. Virgil became a paramedic because he could get licensed fairly quickly, it was meant to just be a means of paying the bills. But he ended up stuck there, because it turns out paramedic pay ain’t great for socioeconomic mobility. It’s on the job that he meets Officer Sunny





I WHEEZED when I saw the Super Mario Drug PSA quote XD