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a lil warmup doodle I liked

Sometimes when I’m drawing, my dog Daisy will come lay her head on my knee and hit me with THE saddest, most pathetic, wall-eyed, ice-water-dumped-on-a-helpless-creecher stare ever. And she’ll maintain this unbroken eye contact for quite some time. Staring at me. Waiting for me to glance back at her. If I do, for even a moment, her tail will wag. If I look away, the staring continues. I feel her eyes burning holes in my soul. I’ll ask “please stop staring at me”, and she understands. She’ll look away…..for about a second. Sometimes she’ll pat me with her paw. Sometimes she’ll sigh forlornly. “Pay attention to me.” Sometimes she’ll even try to shove my sketchbook/knitting/iPad/video game/tax forms/infant cousin out of my lap. “Pay attention to me.”

I should note I actually give my dog LOTS of attention. She has lots of toys and chews and other people she can go to for attention. She just has an existential crisis if I have the gall to do anything that doesn’t involve her for longer than two minutes. Little Miss Daisy Dukes thinks she’s the center of my universe. Alas….she is correct. 💗

pics just for funsies

staring at me

staring at me as I learn to crochet

fucking WHAT do you want from me

staring at me (lookit that lil fuzzyface ❤️❤️❤️)



Nette Marie

I mean how dare you not pay attention to her. 😂 (The rest of this is an info dump about my dog 😅😅) My 13 yr old Dachshund gives us the "woe is me" look and all when he can't be in our lap or when we're not sitting in the recliner. Actually today the little turd actually barked at me from the other side of the gate, mind you that he had literally just been let out of, all because I was eating my lunch without him. I'll be it we do spoil him. He went septic in 2021 and when a dog goes septic it's very hard to save them, but he survived. He's down 2 organs, but I think he replaced them with even more sass. He's now in CHF (Congestive Heart Failure, humans get it too) and CHF will eventually take his life. I was actually the one to diagnose him with it because a woman I took care of up until the end had a cocker spaniel that has CHF. When dogs have CHF they cough a lot and with medicine it helps it, but doesn't stop it. Keeping them calm and in a stress free environment can help them a lot and make it easier on them. I'll often place my hand on Patty and let him know I'm here while he coughs. I honestly cant imagine life without him. We've had him since his mom was pregnant with him. If I remember correctly I might've actually delivered him. Perks of being an animal lover and having a fixation on animals and the natural world.


I havent seen this little face for so long ,missed this little bean