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Decided to dust off my wobbly memories of 10th grade web design class and take a shot at what the front page of Gigi’s main website (her company is made of multiple viral content hubs and sister sites) might look like. Welcome to BitchWorthy~

Bitchworthy is a female-focused online magazine with a heavy lean toward LGBTQ topics and progressive politics. Or at least it is in theory. BW is still a company, which means it must curate itself in ways that help it stay alive. This means lots and LOTS of clickbait. Bitchworthy sits at a curious intersection between glittery girlboss faux-feminist (“teehee, stand up for civil rights by buying this new eyeliner!”) and ….actual hard-hitting journalism (eg. examining the uncomfortable practices behind the lab meat industry, calling out corrupt politicians, ripping into sexist expectations among species, giving a voice to disenfranchised folk). Bitchworthy is an odd site that has somehow clung on to relevancy throughout the years, and it is the crown jewel of Gigi’s social media empire.

i had fun coming up with the stupid ass headlines, lol can u tell




I want to see more of Madeleine!


madeline’s story is so intriguing, like many of your characters :0 i want to see absolutely everything about everyone (also, i hope im not being annoying by pointing out so many tagging errors, but this one doesnt have madeline’s character tag)