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Snowball and Soup are pretty much right where I want them design-wise, but Skye’s older brother and sister Shadow and Summer have been bugging me for a while. So I decided to mix in a bit more country mutt, a dash of slut, a pinch of dumb dog, and voila, I think I finally nailed ‘em! >:3

I tweaked Shadow’s palette so his name makes a bit more sense. He’s still the eldest of the Pawberry pups (born more than ten minutes before the rest of the litter), and currently stands to inherit the family farm. Shadow feels the weight of this responsibility every day, and while he does try to be a good son, he does like to indulge in the more-than-occasional vice, such as drinking, gambling, and being a complete manwhore. He can’t help it, or so he says….he’s trying to get his fix of fun before he eventually has to settle down with a decent lady, turn out some pups of his own, and slowly work himself to death on a floundering strawberry farm.

Shadow is very talented at banjo and guitar. Despite his faults, he is fiercely protective of all his siblings, particularly Skye, the baby of the litter. This does not mean he doesn’t enjoy being a big-brother-best-bastard-forever to her. He doesn’t seem particularly impressed by her cityslicker boyfriend Sunny, who he’s dubbed “goldilocks ”.

Summer moonlights as a personal fitness trainer, but her day job is being a phys ed teacher at Dogdale Deaf Academy, where she’s joined by colleagues Snowball and Marnie. Summer is a big brash jock lesbian and LOVES showing off for ladies of all types. Although she’s patient and sweet with the kids she teaches, she is far less so with Skye, who she will try to tackle, maul, and get into a headlock at every opportunity. Skye responds to this in kind, most arguments between the sisters end in a puppyish scrap. Despite this, the she and Skye are quite close, even if Summer isn’t the best listener. (“Quit bitching about voting trends and go punch something, Skye, you’ll feel better!”)

Summer is just a little bit gross, publicly partaking in dog mannerisms like scratching at herself with her hind foot, belching, picking her nose, manspreading, etc. She remains inexplicably popular with the ladies of her hometown.




I've loved all of their designs so far but this is my favorite version of Summer I think

Jam Gram

i would also be unable to resist summers manspreading (ok so . my go to joke as someone w the name Jam is Jamspreading / jam as a replacement for various terms esp man-ones like Mansplain/jamsplain etc and i think this is a stupid enough strawberry farm themed joke premise that i offer it for ur puns if u want it) but sincerely thank u for the nasty jock she will woo us all it is the way