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was getting ready to upload my old luster dawn concept to deviantart when i felt it was kinda outdated and not really working for me anymore. so! fuccboi mechanic luster is out.....nonbinary weirdo mad scientist luster dawn is in. Luster's pronouns are she/they.

Luster Dawn and Midnight Abyss were raised as cousins, but biologically they are half-siblings. Starlight Glimmer carried Luster via surrogate pregnancy as a favor to Sunburst. Looking at Dawnie and Midnight you'd assume they'd clash, but this pair actually gets along pretty well. For all Luster's bright, cheery appearance, she doesn't actually give a flying feather about friendship, much preferring to invest all her energy into wild (and often unethical) experiments. She got all of Sunburst's intelligence, all of Starlight's disregard for ponykind, and virtually none of Flash' Sentry's humility. Luster will play god with a grin on her face! >:D

Midnight, who resurrects corpses for fun, finds Luster very refreshing. Dawnie's ideas are often harebrained and convulted, but some of them are.....interesting, to say the least ((Could you really use alicorn cells to grow an alicorn's horn and replicate their magic?), and Midnight is willing to provide a calm sounding board to temper Luster's wild streak. It was Luster who helped Midnight electrically reanimate her first dead lab rat, and it was Midnight who helped Luster craft a pair of mechanical wings that only catch fire 50% of the time. Together, the pair prove remarkably competent (and potentially dangerous), so their parents are often....concerned. At the same time, they don't want to get in the way of the closest thing either sibling has to a friend....




Luster Dawn has big Tumblr post energy in the realm of "I will face god and walk backwards into hell" and "god may judge me but his sins outnumber my own ✌️" and I love it

Dragon Turtle

It's nice to know Midnight has a friend that's really on her wavelength now. I AM more interested in this version of Luster, but I will miss the beard. I love your horse lady-beards. Not even in a trans-identity sense, I just think they're cute. It's interesting to see how anthro creatures work with fur.