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My lady gives birth today,

I run to her room right away

She smiles with glee, then hands him to me,

I look at my newborn and say-

Damn, that's an ugly baby.

Baby Bruce! He's part of the drawing set with Skye and Sunny. He's about six months old here, but not six months in the traditional sense. Marsupials differ from standard (placental) mammals in that they're only pregnant for about a month. They then pop out a teeny, extremely underdeveloped wriggly pink fetus-looking thing about the size of a jellybean. Said fleshy jellybean somehow makes its way into Mom's pouch, where it hangs out for the next few months to complete its development. So when I say Bruce is six months old, I mean he was conceived seven months ago, not born six months ago. He is very young and very tiny and probably weighs about the same as an apple. Fey is very proud of her lil jellybean and thinks he (and Silver) are the most beautiful babies in the world! All other babies should give up! >:O

(Silver disagrees. I imagine he was initially hyped to meet his new baby brother, but upon actually meeting this gross, bald, baby Voldemort looking creature he demanded his mum put that thing back where it came from or SO HELP HIM-)

Here's a fun tidbit RoboHeather came up with. Rather than birthdays, kangaroos, wallabies, and other marsupials celebrate Emergence Day (also known as Pouch Day), which is the day their precious, fleshy little dickens first fully emerges from Mom's pouch to have a look around. It's a very special milestone, and the baby is not to be rushed. This day is usually a very emotional event for the family as it's the first time they get to actually hold their babies. This is also usually  when they name their children. Bruce was officially named on his  emergence day as is tradition, but Fey and Silas couldn't decide on a  name for their eldest son (ie, hated each other's picks and refused to  budge) until he fuzzed up with his lovely fur.

Another note- All marsupials, even adults, are naturally soothed by warm dark places. It subconsciously reminds them of the safety of the pouch. Whenever Bruce feels anxious, he burrows himself a little hidey-hole in his blankets so that only his nose can be seen poking out. It's silly, but it always helps him feel less alone.




Silver to Bruce, twenty-something years later: you came out of puny and just stayed that way >:3


Pouch day 😭😭😭😭 In general do the FB animals develop like their actual counterparts? I imagine they probably live longer


Wellllll I'd say they develop more like a mashup of animal offspring and baby humans. An irl puppy is pretty much independent in just six months, but six month old Sunny would be more like a human baby, still largely immobile and probably only just getting the hang of rolling from his back to his tummy. Lifespans are identical to humans as well, with smaller animals tending to live a bit shorter on average, and larger animals being capable of living more than a century without batting an eyelash.