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Show me your teeth (just tell me when)
Show me your teeth (open your mouth, boy)
Show me your teeth (show me what you got)
Show me your teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth

It's considered very poor manners for a carnivore to flash their teeth. It makes herbivores uncomfortable and nervous, to the point that flashing one's fangs can be considered a form of intimidation by the law. A precursor to assault, the same as brandishing a knife in our world. As such, most carnivores check themselves at all the time, taking care not to smile or grin too wide (and certainly never snarl)- at least, not in front of plant-eaters. It doesn't bode well for the tension that already exists between carnivores and herbivores, with neither side feeling they can ever truly relax around the other.

But Virgil is an affable, easy-going guy, with a sense of humor as well-developed as any hyena. He likes to smile, especially when it's well-deserved. He likes to laugh (like all hyenas, he's got a truly ghoulish cackle). And most of all, he likes how his refusal to make himself small and nonthreatening makes people squirm.

One such person is Sunny. Unlike wildtype carnivores, domestic dogs get away with smiling simply because it's cute when they do it. Who doesn't love a lopsided doggie grin? But Sunny is still pretty startled the first time he grins at Virgil, and Virgil grins back.

Hyenas are not dogs, but Sunny's dumb canine brain is definitely registering Virge as a dog, meaning that big friendly smile is comings across as very aggressive. Thus Sunny is instinctively showing signs of canine submission (exposing the belly, lip-licking, pinned back ears). He is afraid, but also (ahem) hella turned on. Scaroused. Maybe the most intensely he's ever felt in his life. Oh geez.....

Take a bite of me, boy
Show me your teeth.




puppy play...puppy play...PUPPY PLAY (and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFOFNJYTvy8&ab_channel=LyricalBlast)


Hehe, nothing quite like a sprinkle of dystopian undertones to really spice up the world building. ^^