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"Now, now, Margo, don't drink so quick, you greedy ol' girl...."

quick doodle before bed. fiddling with bruce's design and exploring his character a little more. he's a fucking DORK

Besides maintaining the rooftop garden of the boarding house (which I'm tentatively dubbing 'Zoo Haven'), Bruce keeps anywhere from twenty to thirty plants in his cramped ass apartment. Every single one of them has a name and a "personality", Bruce cares for them with a gooey sort of tenderness that he shows to literally no one else. He talks to them pretty much daily, and unconsciously performs silly voices for them to "talk back" at him with. Sometimes these conversations get a wee bit out of Bruce's control, and his plants start pressing him about why he keeps declining Priscilla's invitations to hang out, or how he isn't as exasperated with Sunny as he pretends to be, or why he's so mean to Logan, or how he should probably talk to people who are not plants. Bruce tells them to mind their business.




I relate immensely to Bruce after having succulent plants for about 2 years now. I was an excited plant parent when one of them grew a flower for the first time


aww I love his white highlights!! Plus, the detail on that hat just sends me. nothing has ever looked more like a straw hat.