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"Hard labor? What do you know of hard labor?! Give birth to two thousand drones in two days, then talk to me about hard labor!"

"Just pick up the shovel, drama queen."


More of the reformation AU~

Chrysalis is assigned to the care and tutelage of Maud Pie, to learn the value of family, friendship, and most importantly, humility. Twilight figured that breaking rocks into rubble would do wonders for Chrysalis' rage issues. It did not. Without her magic, Chrysalis is not particularly strong. Lugging around a heavy sledge hammer makes her back ache. The dust irritates her eyes. And worst of all, her awful little pony "friend" is completely unresponsive to her shouting and goading. The dull little thing isn't even good for a conversation! At least all this work busting rocks apart gives her plenty of time to think about how she'll do the same thing to the Mane Six and the princesses. Maybe with the very same sledgehammer.

Still....perhaps a tiny part of her can admit it feels nice to retire after a hard days work. It feels....grounding, to hold a piece of rock that she carved with her very own hands. There's a tiny wonder in discovering the occasional gem- most recently, she found a fragment of emerald that reminded her of the eyes of her newly hatched grubs. Chrysalis' sense of taste is greatly atrophied and dulled, so she somewhat appreciates the rancid, pungent archaic meals that come from the Pie family's kitchen. The rocks in the soup provide a very satisfying crunch. And maybe there's something nice about that dull little rock farmer offering to massage her exoskeleton after a day's hard labor. And listening patiently while Chrysalis vents and rages. And running her a bath, cleaning out all the nooks and crannies of her carapace....rubbing shampoo into her tattered mane......Chrysalis hasn't been treated like this since she lost her hive. Hmm.

She's still going to destroy Equestria. She's going to get off this swarm-forsaken rock farm. But maybe for now.....it's not the worst arrangement.




Feels....GROUNDING, u say???


I wonder if Chrysalis can kiss? she just doesn't have any lips at all