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EDIT: I feel like Cupcake was kinda pushing the limit of how far I could take hair on an anthro animal. She kinda felt like a bear wearing a costume wig and Iiiiiiii just wasn't happy with it. I think giving her a colored tuft and ears is a better, tidier way to give the illusion of "hair". :) I kept the older version tho for comparison's sake

the real reason i made fuzzbutts was so i could subject y'all to a million terrible animal puns. BUCKLE UP

lil doodle so y'all can see the drastic size difference between Cupcake and her parents. I think I may "upgrade" Cuppers from grizzly bear to Kodiak bear, which are big enough to rival polar bears in size and weight. They can weigh over 1,000 pounds! And yet, for some reason, Carmella and Sebastian have trouble acknowledging their daughter's size and competence. To them, she will forever be babie. Even if she's all grown up now and apparently moving in with some lemur to run a boarding house in the city (wat??)

i'm blanking on more context for this so have some notes:

Mixed-species adoptions are definitely frowned upon in the world of Fuzzbutts. A carnivore adopting a herbivore is seen as suspicious, and the prospective predator parent(s) may face unfair discrimination and additional screening. A herbivore adopting a carnivore is seen as less dangerous, but still suspicious. Carnivores feel that herbivores just want to deny the child their culture and may have a "savior" attitude in mind about taking in a poor little savage beast. Besides varying social opinion on the ethics of it, mixed adoptions can be outright dangerous for the herbivore (or omnivore, as the Sweets are) parent. Carnivore children play rough and have often not yet learned to control their strength or instincts. Cupcake struggled with this. In the beginning, the Sweets were unknowingly underfeeding her (tbf, they were giving her the recommended food intake, it's just that Cupcake was about to hit a growth spurt and was therefore ravenous most of the day), which led to her instincts getting sharper and harder to ignore. She didn't know why Sebastian and Carmella's quick darting movements fascinated her so much, and made her absently wonder if she could catch one in her claws. One night she sleep-walks into the kitchen and ends up ripping the sweets shelf right off the wall, because her brain brain went "sweets? honey? honeycomb? bee's nest maybe? TEAR IT OPEN". And so the Sweets awake to a frightful sound, and find the little bear in the kitchen surrounded by splintered wood and splattered with jam and biscuit crumbs, sniffling miserably.  

Fortunately sugar gliders are no stranger to powerful sweets cravings, and had jam and biscuits with Cupcake until she'd calmed down. Later they took her to a bear specialist, and figured out a more filling, nutritious meal plan- and like that, Cupcake stopped having secret dreams about eating her parents, and started running home after school to help Mama in the kitchen. As an adult Cupcake is perfectly capable of keeping herself fed, but her parents can't help their worrying. They've got lingering guilt over leaving their bear cub hungry, all those years ago. And not that they don't trust their daughter, but bears do get unstable and aggressive when hungry. They'd never want for Cupcake to end up in a situation she'd do something she regrets.




I dig the fuzzbutts stuff, but am curious when we'll be seeing more ponies?


okay, god. you're giving me cavities. i wanna hug the sweets, and cupcake's new hairstyle (or lackthereof, i guess) is honestly super cute and i really, really dig it.