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And he's glad he's not, because kangaroos are jerks.

Bruce is a western brush wallaby. His neighbor, Logan, is a red kangaroo, the biggest of all marsupials. As in our world, macropods tend to value size, strength, and power, especially in males (known as boomers). Logan (also known as Bro-gan) is a rather typical smarmy meathead jock, if said jock were crossed with a dumb party-hearty frat dude. He manages a small but successful local gym, and can be pretty pushy about trying to get Bruce to join. He also brings Bruce the occasional mug of protein powder spinach sludge and says Bruce should really take gummi multivitamins if he's gonna insist on staying inside his apartment all day. You need Vitamin D, bro! And fuckin' taurine! How're you ever gonna snag a missus with those tiny twig arms?

Bruce fuckn hates Logan.

He was initially excited to have chanced upon a neighbor from the same country as himself (which I'm tentatively calling DownUndah), buuut Logan just proved to be a pest. The guy never misses a chance to tease Bruce about his small size, which makes Bruce fantasize about nailing him in the nads with a well-placed kick, just once. Little does Bruce know, Logan actually does genuinely care about his neighbor. He's just stupid. Logan comes from a family of many, many brothers, and never quite learned that there are ways to show affection beyond shoulder punches and relentless teasing. Bruce's tiny size and antisocial vibe kinda activate Logan's big brother instinct. All his douchebaggery, though insufferable to Bruce, is Logan's woefully misguided way of looking out for the little wallaby.

(Logan is the first character to not be directly inspired by any particular Pandoraverse character. I may make a good deal more random characters to help the world feel more populated. Other notes: Logan is in his early thirties, he's a master kickboxer, and he's happily, openly bisexual. It's equal opportunity love in Brogan Town! >:D




*dumb jerk-ish himbo appears* Me: is this a new son? I LOVE HIM! Okay this is funny you bring up a psedo-big brother vibe from him because last night I was actually brainstorming if you included Butch (or a fusion version of him) into Fuzzbutts, thinking it might be really interesting to see Bruce play out with a big brother in his life unlike as in the Pandoraverse. If not, totally cool and I am FOR Logan being an unintentionally healthyish "man's man" example for Bruce to see. He's the kind of bloke his dad wishes he had for a son....only not really once you get to know him. It's good for Bruce to see that people don't fit into preconceived boxes and stereotypes. If you ARE interested in adding Butch, I have some ideas! Again, if you're not totally cool don't mind me while I distract myself from the terrors of existence with headcanons -Famous boxer, only wallaby in history to take the title (true he's jacked like a kangaroo but still) -Complicated, strained relationship with Bruce. Used to be very close until Bruce's and their dad's fall out. Still a lot of love there from both sides (and anger...and hurt) but the brothers can't commuicate worth SHIT so things are pretty awkward. Butch usually visits once or twice a year and he don like that slacker his little bro moved in with -Adding to above, thinking their mum maybe died or very abruptly abandoned the family when the boys were still young? This leaves Butch with some issues, and a compulsion to please his remaining parent....and maybe a bit of a willful ignorance to the worsening tension between his brother and dad over the years. This is fine. Until....it wasn't. And now Butch's family is torn apart again and he just wants to fix it. -Actually a surprisingly decent guy all things considering, but took the brunt of their father's image of toxic masulinty growing up and holds himself to a certain standard, and maybe tried to get Bruce to follow in his footsteps in a misguided attempt to toughen his brother up so the world could never hurt him.


You know, I wasn't initially planning on adding Butch, I thought he would just overcomplicate things. But your ideas have got me thinking about him, and how he might affect Bruce's character. Your notes are lovely lovely, but I'm thinking that if Butch exists in this story, then he's almost certainly dead. Bruce's mom is definitely out of the picture, and his dad refuses to talk about her (beyond horrible, confusing rants), so Bruce has no clue what she's like or if she's still alive. Butch though......hmm. I like your idea about Butch actually making it to adulthood instead of drowning as a child. I like the idea of him being the golden child. But maybe he felt a little TOO much pressure from his dad. From everyone. To be a champion, to keep up his grades, to jump from girlfriend to girlfriend. It gets worse when he goes off to college and is alone for the first time in his life. Butch begins to struggle. He makes friends, sure, but he can't actually talk to any of them. He certainly can't talk to his father, who loves boasting about his big college champ. Being vulnerable, openly talking about the crushing anxiety and loneliness he feels....it'd make him seem weak. And he can't be weak. So Butch paints on a smug, happy grin for the world, and continues to suffer in the dark. For years. Things get a little better when his younger brother Bruce excitedly gets into the same college as Butch. After years of only getting to see his bro on the holidays, they can finally hang out whenever they want! And Butch is excited too. For a while, things are better. Butch would never voice it aloud, but he's proud of how naturally his wimpy lil bro takes to college. He excels in every class, all while Butch has to hide his own floundering grades. Bruce comes to his brother's matches, they watch movies and order pizza, they tease each other and wrestle and play video games, and for a good while Butch finally has a reprieve from his loneliness. But gradually, as Bruce's college workload increases, he grows more and more busy. There's less time for movie nights or attending Butch's matches- which is a good thing, because Butch isn't doing very well at them anymore. His grades flatline, he is kicked out of school right around the time he should've graduated. Bruce promises to keep it a secret from their dad until they can get Butch re-enrolled and back on his feet. But something is wrong with Butch. He stops going out to parties. Stops keeping in shape. He can't seem to summon the energy to get back to school, or apply for a job, or do anything except lie in bed and inhale junk food and alcohol. Bruce becomes a caretaker, visiting Butch daily, trying to pay off Butch's overdue bills, trying to get Butch to act like Butch again, instead of this dead-eyed shell. Butch is all-too-aware of what a burden he's become on his little brother, and it makes him feel even worse. Finally, Bruce, deeply worried and unsure what to do, finally does tell their dad that Butch is depressed. Badly depressed. It's a bad move. Their father comes all the way from across the sea just to shake some sense into his son and give him the loudest "pep talk" of a century. What on Earth does Butch have to be depressed about? He's young and the world is his oyster! So quit lazing about and get back on your feet! He calls Butch a great many names, asking if he plans on staying this "pathetic loser", hoping to rile his son up- but is disgusted to see tears rolling down his son's face. It's a disaster, and it's all Bruce can do to get Dad out of Butch's face. Bruce clean up Butch's slovenly apartment, corrals Butch into getting a long overdue haircut and fresh clothes. Good as new! With effort, he gets Butch enrolled back at school and locks him into a part-time job as a back-up plan. Dad Wallaby is pretty brusque about all this, but Bruce is a bit nicer. He awkwardly tells Butch that if he ever needs to talk about something- anything- he's right here. And Butch gives him a faint smile, weak but genuine. For a while, everything seems to slide back into place. At first Butch is sluggish and apathetic about restarting his life, but after a few weeks, it's like a switch flips. He smiles and jokes again. Ruffles Bruce's hair again. He reorganizes his apartment and even gives Bruce some of his nicer possessions, like his electric guitar. Butch never so much as let Bruce TOUCH the thing growing up, so Bruce can hardly process the gift now. He tries to hand it back, but Butch pushes it right back with a laugh, saying it's his way of thanking Bruce for being there for him through it all. Then he hugs Bruce and tells him he loves him, which is very unusual. Bruce, flabbergasted, can't help but laugh, "Who are you and what have ya done with my brother?", and Butch laughs too. He then drags Bruce into a fearsome, playful wallaby scuffle, since apparently lil bro's too manly for hugs and kisses. Later that night, Bruce is sleeping when the police knock on his door and inform him that his brother has been found dead. Butch's suicide nearly destroys Bruce on the spot. The grief so utterly suffocating that Bruce can hardly move, hardly eat, hardly think. He blames himself. He blames his father. Why didn't they do more? Why didn't HE do more? Why didn't he catch the signs? Why, WHY didn't he say he loved Butch too, when his brother hugged him that day? Why? He has a major falling out with his dad over it. For one, he can't help but blame his dad for tearing Butch down and making him feel like a loser and a burden. For two, Dad Wallaby is NOT taking Butch's death well, he's actually devastated- but lacking the emotional tools to grieve properly, he instead lashes out at Bruce instead. Utterly unable to grasp why Butch died, he blames Bruce for infecting Butch with his softness, for babying Butch when all he needed was a kick in the pants. His golden child is gone and all he has left is Bruce, scrawny, soft Bruce with his fancy college degree, thinking all his books and studying make him so much better than everybody else. Well, none of that fancy learning could keep your brother alive, so what's the point? Bruce stops talking to his father. Modern day Bruce prefers to stay inside and keep to himself. He prefers plants to people. Doesn't like letting anybody too close. Keeps his brother a secret, because he doesn't want people pitying him, and he just doesn't like to talk about it. Buries himself in his studies to distract from the sorrow. Misses his brother more than anything, and talks to him all the time in private. Is a little afraid of becoming too much of a recluse and ending up like Butch....but making friends is scary too. Deep down, underneath the scowl, Bruce is a very lost, very sad little wallaby.


Bruce: ok Boomer


Haha, exactly. XD I was originally going to name him Boomer, but I knew people would just spam the obvious joke :/ So I looked through frat dude names and picked the frat dudeiest name I could find