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Smokescreen may be rather stoic and serious about his job, but outside of spywork he's a pretty playful, flirty guy. As he and Montezuma start spending more time together where they're not trying to destroy each other, Monty sees more and more glimpses of Smoke's humanity.....and he doesn't know how to feel about it. 

For as much flirting Monty does when the both of them are gripped in combat, he'd probably have a fucking heart attack if Smoky were to flirt back. Due to his sheltered upbringing/heavy focus on committing crime, Montezuma actually has little experience with things like dating or not turning into a blushy idiot when your crush acknowledges your existence. Montezuma's all talk! Smoky is not. Smoky is very experienced, and is absolutely tickled at the discovery that his cool, composed, eternally-salacious nemesis is actually....well, a big nerd. Shown above: Smoky calling Monty's bluff.

edit: fixed some wonky anatomy issues




Smoke has cake...


Montezuma in his head right now... "Gay panic gay panic gay panic" 😳


We love to see it


Consider: in the future, when Smoky's able to take Monte to a club (whether his crimes are pardoned, Monte wears a disguise, or they just go to a low-brow enough place no one cares is up for debate), Monte is shocked to realize just how flexible Smoky is. Smoky smirks and does a backflip on the dance floor, earning a few whoops from some intoxicated patrons, and Monte realizes the point his beau is trying to make: special agents of the government have to go through extensive training -- mental and physical. Of course Smoky would be stupid flexible, and fit, and -- wait, did Smoky's GOVERNMENT teach him to roll his hips like that, or -- oh dear. Oh. Well. Monte's not going to complain how well Smokescreen's training fits in to salacious bar dancing -- not when he gets a front seat. (Achievement unlocked: Smoky joins Moondancer in the 'unlikely pole dancer expert' club!)