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Some all y'all have been asking to see sketch preview pages, and I know Loryska does so for patrons of her comic. I was hesitant to do so myself, but I see now that (hopefully), it'll be a good way to get feedback from you guys so I can iron out bugs before drawing the actual pages, and a nice way to provide y'all with steady story content throughout the (slow) comic-making process. This is a lil taste of what's to come, feel free to tell me your thoughts! :)

Skyla probably thought Peachy would be coyly waiting for her to swoop in and romance her away.....not realizing Peachy is a workin' class lady, and a teacher at that, so she is busy af on pretty much any given day




I think it looks really good so far! Good composition and angles, the panel layout is manageable without having too much or too little on the page, and the action/expressions are really cute! Keep up the good work, Lop! :)


I'm screeching. I'm screaming. Lop, I love this. AAA


"To-Dos Day" I will fucking DIE for Peachy she is too precious Skyla is killing me. And same. It's just so much fun to see such a play-by-play with the characters we love! It's like the very first "episode" of Pandoraverse if that makes sense lol I'm so beyond excited to see this!


Did it just get wetter in here? *Skyla eying that to-do list*

Calvin Sewell

This is ABSURDLY precious You have a really good sense of when to pull the camera in for a tight shot and when to do a full body or 3/4. Kudos to getting your dialogue to fit as well!


Skyla: do I even weigh anything to you Peach: no its like holding a couple of grapes


i genuinely smiled when peachy dropped her to-do list. we know skyla's into that lol


Skyla's reaction in that last panel, though if Peachy does this every week then she's probably making much to-do about nothing!


personally i think this all looks fine so far. at the moment the expressions and body language is clear. there's a smallllll typo on page 3 panel 5 where's there's two apostrophes in "it's" when u plan the bg scenes (for future pages as well) i guess i wanna say.. use the bgs as tools to bring focus to the focus points (not that you Failed that in the previous pages i just think its good adivce lol) hope u have fun w/ these future pages :D


It makes sense to me! It's the reason I was excited to do a comic, the characters become liberated from existing in single illustrations and get to "come to life" in a sequential comic! We're gonna learn a lot about Peachy and Skyla (and other characters) in this comic, I'm really excited for what's in store!


Hey! A big love interest scooping up the littler love interest after BLI accidentally hurt them. You know, the trope I’m extremely trash for


Also I hope this isn’t weird but I’m literally at my laptop comicing right now and our sketch styles are crazy similar !! It’s just so cool to see my favorite artist doing comics too. They’re such a (long, tedious to create, but extremely rewarding) joy to take on


The expressions and dialogue all look good so far! I do get a little confused about where exactly Skyla and Peachy are standing in relation to each other when we transition from the first page to the second page though. Like, Skyla is looking up and to the right at the end of the first page, but then Peachy is also looking to the right at the start of the second page. Since they're supposed to be facing each other, it should stay consistent where in the composition they're standing; they seem to sort of switch positions without actually moving. I might just experiment with flipping around which direction they're facing! Of course, take that with a grain of salt since I'm a storyboarder and animator, not a comic artist so that's more of a film critique about the 180 rule lmao


XD it honestly took me a while to figure out what you were saying, I had to reread a few times. But I understand now. See, I figured Peachy moves in the "It's To-Do's Day!" panel, like she takes a couple steps forward (y'know, so she can have space for her dramatic pose), and Skyla turns to follow the movement. I think that will be more apparent when there's a background to gauge where the characters are in relation to it, but I see how it seems confusing. Thanks for the note, I'll keep it in mind when drawing the page for real. :)


Please god let skyla be on the to-do list xD


I love the little chibi styles for the sketches! Peachy is and will always be precious! 💕


you were right. Peachy is ADORABLE


I am 100% going to start using TO-DOs-day. Did you hear that somewhere or come up with it on your own? It's adorable.


I love them