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half of Smokescreen's brain: first of all how dare u you're not my mother i am a professionally trained agent of the government i am a honed blade gripped by the hand of my nation i don't need food or sleep this is belittling NO i should break your smug pretty face 

other half: nap sound gud




So... Does Monte often communicate with BonBon about Smokey's work hours? I'm just confused on Monte's level of infamy. He's considered an "enemy of Equestria" but does the entirety of Equestria know about him or just the capital? Would a Manehattenite just go "Who?" but a Ponyville native suddenly tense and look around in worry? It sounds like he's got wanted posters everywhere but also has a 9-5 desk job in Las Pegasus. Is Monte a punch-clock villain? This isn't a criticism, just perpetual curiosity. Also I hope that Smokey thinks himself as more than just his job. Grub-bab is best Grub-bab and deserves as much.


Montezuma is pretty infamous, it comes with the territory when you're the rogue adoptive son of an internationally renown author-treasure hunter. He is a bit of a punch-clock villain tho, plotting heists doesn't take up all his time....in fact, Smoky just caught him here in the middle of a meditation session. His base is located in South Equestria, in one of Ahuizotl's abandoned temples. It's booby-trapped to hell and back and guarded by minions, so it's not like the average citizen is going to amble on in. When Monty isn't scheming and needs to travel through populated areas, he disguises himself. Otherwise, he's elusive and hard to find (which is why Smoky was assigned to him, Smoke's a very good tracker) When Monty says "chat" with BonBon, he very much means "threaten", or perhaps "blackmail". It's mostly just talk, however, BonBon is very difficult to intimidate. With luck, Monty might be able to slip enough dead fish into various crannies in Bonnie's office to badger her into giving Smoke some time off, but who knows.


God Monte is so gorgeous... On a scale of one to even, I cannot with him.


He looks like mint chocolate chip with all the dirt XD I love them both


I love this dynamic so much :D