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sorry to keep spammin' y'all with previews but i'm just really goddamn PROUD of that BARN


i drew it! using perspective! i drew a building using perspective! and it looks decent! i have literally never managed to get the hang of drawing things in perspective before but it turns out it's not so hard! just takes lots of planning is all. i'm relieved cuz this comic involves quite a few different locations, so it's reassuring that i can draw any setting i want, so long as i'm willing to throw a shitload of parallel lines at it

on another note, this page is almost double the length of page 1, so i doubt i'll finish it before the weekend is up. over the next few pages, i'll work on keeping each one a consistent , shortish length, so i can hopefully turn out a page a week.



Calvin Sewell

FUCK yeah! Look at that sexy ass barn!


That barn is fantastic! Congrats on learning perspective!


THAT'S A GREAT ASS BARN! Perspective sucks to draw, but you did a beautiful job!


Proud of you, Lop. Everything looks great at a bird's eye view, and you drew the barn perfectly. That's a big hurdle for a lot of artists, myself included, but you overcame the challenge of perspective :)

Angsty Ram

That’s a nice ass barn!


I LOVE the previews <3


good job on the barn!! the linework looks great. im enjoying the simple style. ALSO. i forgot if you’ve said this already- have you thumbnailed the whole comic yet?


ugh I keep coming back to marvel at the lineart. It's so good, and full of life. It'll be pretty neat to see this in color! May I ask, what size of canvas do you work with?


Your line work is gorgeous! The barn..everything is just *chefs kiss*


Bro that's a bitchin barn 😍


Thanks! This page is about 2000x3700 pixels, but I think from now on I'll make my pages a consistent 2500x3300 (letter size).


Thank you. :) Also, heck no. If I let myself get too caught up in pre-planning, I'd have never actually begun the comic. I have a loose, flexible plot outline, and I work on the script as I move along. The first twenty or so pages are already written, and the first ten or so are thumbnailed.