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i'm sorry y'all had to find out this way that skyla is actually fucking insane



Calvin Sewell

Give us the forbidden shoujo horse manga


Thinking of happy endings sometimes helps!


Despite everything, it's still [creating fantasies in your head to substitute for what anxiety won't allow you to do in real life]~


skyla had a 5 minute convo w/ peachy and she already wants to marry her. dayum. LOL


Skyla takes after her parents a LOT. In the IDW comics, Shining and Cadence both independently decide they're soulmates and are going to get married and live in a castle someday.....after having spent maybe a total of thirty seconds in each other's presence. Most of which was just Shining Armor stammering. Cadence KNOWS Skyla's got double the dumbass gene, which is why she urged Skyla to play it cool and "not be theatrical". But alas, under her stern exterior, Skyla is extremely fanciful and crush-prone, and gets ahead of herself often.