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I wonder if Glitzi, for all her general airheadedness, might actually be quite good at business and bookkeeping, having perhaps learned the skills as an avenue of bonding with her dad. For this reason, Glitzi is very jealous and very spiteful toward Jam Sandwich, Gladmane's business associate and obvious favorite. Jam doesn't know why Glitzi is always such a stone-cold bitch to her, but she's always up for some smack-talk!

note on "sugar britches": for those of y'all not in the know, it's a term of endearment for one's girlfriend/wife/mistress, or a way of saying someone has a sweet ass. Gladmane  obviously has no such inappropriate feelings toward his daughter, but the guy does have some difficulties viewing women as anything more than sexual objects. Combine that with his disdain for his daughter (whom he views as an annoying parasite, much like her long-fled mother), and most of his "fond" nicknames for Glitzi end up having this sort of backhanded, demeaning slant to them. Glitzi takes it all in stride.....or at least is good at pretending to.




She’s so cute 🥺🥺 I’m loving the new palette. I never knew it til now but your cast needed a super purple pone


Dammit there goes my heart. Now I really feel for her.


*cracks knuckles* Alright square up Glad cause she's my daughter now (also dumb random story I actually had a pet long horn steer when I was a teenager named Sugar Britches cause he was brown/black brindle completely until his hips. His entire rear, back legs, and tail was unbroken white. Hearing this term reminded me of my precious cow boi. ❤❤❤ I helped deliver him and named him)


My heart breaks for her. I hope she finds love. She deserves it

Kyri Arriaga

I love this bull story (heh), Heather! Perfect name for this cow. Clever~ 💛


I love Glitzi and all her chubby glory