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So Stormy wasn't happy to learn his (former?) best friend was dating his younger sister. He figured it to be either some petty revenge scheme on Rosiemary's part, or just Phoenix being a dick. Either way, he was hurt and confused, but refused to show it, and latched harder onto his then boyfriend, Chakra Blossom.

Chakra, unfortunately, quite enjoyed Stormy's newfound isolation from his best friend and family, and started slowing ramping up the manipulation. He began corrupting Stormy into becoming a sort of second Chakra, roping him into his unsavory lifestyle of drugs, drinking, and mooching, all while eroding Stormy's self-esteem with back-handed compliments and chipping away at his boundaries. Stormy was pressured into doing a lot of things he's not proud of, including being an ass to ponies that were only concerned about him.....

The gas-lighting and emotional abuse finally led to Stormy becoming an abuser himself, and his once half-decent relationship with Chakra festered into a miserable co-dependence between two people that quite enjoyed tormenting each other. He both loved and hated Chakra, and finally, when Chakra does something unforgivable, Stormy retaliates by breaking his nose. This act of violence rattles Stormy to his core, and he ends things.

Rosemary later finds him facedown in a puddle of whiskey and tears. He can only miserably blubber that she was right, he is an idiot- and Rosie can only sigh in frustration.....and relief. Oh, Stormy.

She physically hefted him upright, smacks him sober......and starts blubbering herself, because how dare he be so cruel to her? And Stormy starts bawling apologies, and then they're both bawling like babies and clinging to each other. Phoenix walks in the room, sees this soggy melodramatic reunion, then walks back out. Alright then. Good for them.

(Then she lit Chakra's tent on fire.)




Fuck. YES!!!


I'm wondering what the one unforgivable thing was the Chakra did?