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at what age did Zips know he was trans?


Like.....16ish. He had a vague feeling of something not being quite right growing up. With puberty came greater dysphoria, but he attributed that to simply feeling uncomfortable in his own skin, as he always had. He became introverted and sullen. The key event was when his little cousin Prima Donna came out as trans....Zips found himself feeling jealous. How cool would it be to choose to be somebody new? To be your truest self? Zips would never resent his cousin, but he wishes he could be like her. It isn't until a later conversation that Prima listens to Zips' grumbling, and asks if maybe he'd like to try out being called "he"? Just between them, in private? Zips has a flustered, knee-jerk reaction to the suggestion- what is Donnie saying? Of course not! He's a girl! So Prima reminds him of what he said- how lucky Prima is she gets to choose who she wants to be. She tells him that he can choose who he wants to be, too. And if he feels uncomfortable as himself, maybe it's worth it to see what feels better? Zips, now very shy and shuffling on his hooves, nods, and says yeah, maybe they can try "he". Just in private. Just between them. So they do, all afternoon....and Zips doesn't know why he feels so....excited? Lighter? Happy?

Angsty Ram

Honestly that pig is already very pretty


good pige


What was Zip's name before he transitioned?


That’s an incredibly rude question to ask about a trans character. If a trans person changes their name it’s due to having a disconnect from the old name (at best) and it’s not “their” name. Lop has also stated on deviantArt that she’s not going to give out Zip’s old name at this point because it doesn’t matter.