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Phoenix's original color palette is a little too analogous for my liking. She doesn't really read as Rainbow Dash's daughter. I've been wanting to incorporate some blue into her design for a while. Which palette do you like best? Her original color palette is on the left. Alternate suggestions are very welcome!




I like 3! I feel it's a nice balance of staying true to her original design and making her look like she belongs in the Dash family.


Uhm im sorry I still like her origional.😞 Maybe if you incorporated some forest greens and dark purples instead of blue.


I really like the original too! I feel that she does match Rainbow dash enough with her pink colored eyes and the 3 colors in her mane. What I like is that out of her 3 siblings she takes after Dumbell the most with her brown pelt. But I understand wanting to change her, I like 3 the little bit of blue adds a nice striking contrast to all the warm colors


Ooh, hard choice. On first glance #2 is a little hard to look at, but on second glance it does look pretty okay. In all honesty I don't think anything beat her original design, but if I had to choose it wold probably be #3 since it's so subtle. Sorta fits her personality too(Kinda like having a non matching pair of shoes to the clothes you're wearing lol) However, perhaps an alternate idea is to blue up her coat a little bit, but keep the red in there? Or make her like an ice Phoenix? You could add some icy colors into there with a little dash of red? Perhaps in the mane, or in her pelt? Perhaps even have her body be icy and her hair be firey, with firey tints on her hooves(like sleeves or something?) and belly?


I personally really like 3, but if you're wanting her to stand out more and want to go with something like 2, definitely change the shades of the blue and orange that touch, there's some color vibration going on there that makes it a little bit of an eye-strain.


I'm really fond of her original design but if I had to choose, then #3 seems to stand out to me more. #2 seems like it's a bit too much at first glance. Like the blue almost looks like it clashes too much with the rest of the colors and too much in the face. Not sure if it would be better if the colors were swapped around? Like instead of blue being first. Its last. I hope that makes sense lol


Original is best IMO, but 3 is much better than 2


I liked the original design and how the color spectrum is more or less split between the siblings. If you absolutely have to add some blue, maybe in the eyes. Not really feeling the blue hooves. If I had to pick one of the above, 3 is nice. Also not sure how you headcanon manifestations of pegasus magic but that's also another place to put a lot of blue while keeping the rest of her on the yellow-orange-red palette.


3 over 2 but original over both for me. It's rare but sometimes kids just don't look like thier parents. Maybe Phoenix gets her traits from Dumbells parent's? Just a thought.


I love 2


i adore #3!


#2 having the blue seem to clash just a little bit going from BAM ORANGE to BAM BLUE. Maybe if blue is incorporated in the mane is kinda gradients into the orange? Personally I like #3 best of the two ^^


I personally really like three! It looks to be the best aesthetically in my opinion, to maybe she could also have like... Darker blue highlights? I'm unsure.