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considering a gag where Pandora's beloved pet hen is actually a monstrous cockatrice. Cockatrices can mask their appearance via magic, but Henny just can't seem to help screwing with her owner. Pan, you see, is badly far-sighted (just like Twilight), and needs her reading glasses to view things up close. But being the vain noodle she is, she won't wear them unless absolutely necessary, so Henny can get away with a lot of magic shenanigans right under her owner's nose




Love this idea, let the shenanigans begin! Actually, I just adore this idea, period, given my love for chickens/roosters.


I freaking love this idea! More please XD

Dragon Turtle

That is an EXCELLENTLY drawn cockatrice! But I really think Henrietta works better as a chicken. Part of the charm of Pandora having her is that even with Panny playing up the “freakish sorcerer,” she DOESN’T have some kind of monstrous pet. But a chicken is still odd enough of a pet to be funny, made even more so by Pandora’s mannerisms towards it. I love monsters, and this drawing, but adding in as a regular part of the Sparkle household just feels... extra. (It’s made even more funny by the fact that her Aunt Celestia is apparently terrified of chickens. Henrietta would probably scare her more than the rat/chicken chaos abomination Pandora cooked up in kindergarten). Of course you can post this and just say some cockatrice wandered in one day.


Celestia is terrified of chickens?! How did I miss this?


I wouldn't say no. It's certainly a fun concept, with a number of fun possibilities inherent. And I think we can safely assume that draconequuses are immune to a cockatrice's petrifying stare (or, like Silverstream, Pandora has unwittingly tamed Henrietta's petrifying instinct), so there's no danger there, but I think Henrietta is adorable as a chicken, or a cockatrice. so it's ultimately your choice. :)


Why am I not surprised that Pandora's pet is a massive troll.

That guy

Love it. Great idea.