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"Golly! I guess I still have a lot to learn about friendship!"

i hate this character. so much. Everything about Cozy Glow, from her conception to her execution, is so bizarre it throws a wrench in the logic of the show. For Cozy Glow to be competent, the other characters get handed the idiot ball. She's a child written like an adult pretending to be a child and that skeeves me out. She is evil for no reason and the writers and animators wank themselves silly over how many evil meme faces she can make, all while never providing a scrap of genuine motivation for her character. Teehee what if a cute little filly was evil? Okay but you need to provide a reason why. Or, I guess failing that, imprison her in stone indefinitely, a fate pretty equivalent to death. Friendship is magic, aren't we edgy? This ain't your grandma's My Little Pony!

can you tell i ain't a fan of later seasons

Anyway Cozy Glow is a tough nut to "fix". I'll be pondering how to tackle this little baby sociopath




A child written like an adult pretending to be a child... what if that was exactly what she was? Like. She’s actually an adult but cursed in some way so that she never ages and she uses this to manipulate others??? Maybe??????????


The best I could give is to "actually" make uer a sociopath as in ASPD. She not necessarily a bad person more of an undiognosed antisocial personality disorder filly. Something her stuffy (but still midly caring) uppercrist parents never understand and never got her treeated for it.


Heres a link for more info from a person suffering from ASPD https://youtu.be/J3TrhByi0MA


Idk, I don't like it. We've seen that done better in characters like Batman's BabyDoll. Is Cozy a clever character if she's just a ponified version of an existing character. It feels lazy to me. :/


Do you feel like it’s nature or nurture? I think having a genuine mental disability and distorted view of reality is interesting. My favorite thing about the book IT is that it shows the difference between the two. Henry has an abusive, racist father and beats Henry into mental vulnerability and warps his perception of right and wrong. Patrick is just genuinely sick. He thinks he’s the only person alive in the world and everyone else is just part of his imagination. I think you can play with both. Even children can be mentally ill and dangerous and sometimes it’s just their own mental instability.

Angsty Ram

I think her biggest problem is that she has no motive at all! No reason to aim for power, to hate the mane six, to hate anyone. Thing is there are plenty of ways they could have. Perhaps she has a problem with class systems and how cutie marks entail with that. Perhaps her parents had cutie marks for what could be classed as rather underpaid jobs. They wanted the best for Cozy and so worked and worked and worked to get her into he best schools. Schools that were typically hosted by unicorns, the so-called richest of the three. Perhaps they worked themselves to death, nobody cared though. It’s like what you see now, people working for hours in end with no breaks and dying of exhaustion and being ignored by managers. Being pushed constantly. Very dark but it is a problem. In Cozy’s eyes, a child, the inequality of the three main breeds killed her family. She felt hatred, she wanted justice. Imagine your parents working to the bone to get you enough money for a decent education, them to die and some princess to open a school to all creatures just after they died. You’d feel a tad cheated. A tad hateful. Why wasn’t this done sooner? Idk, I think she just needs motivation.


Hahaha “little baby sociopath” is now and forever what I shall call this character blunder.


Oi. Poor Cozy Glow. It would have made sense if Tirek had put her up to this somehow. I have no idea how she would have contacted him, but that is what I initially thought had happened when she was introduced. I thought she was just as much a victim of evil as everyone else but NOPE. She’s just an evil child. Nuff said. Just, ich.


Yeah, the later seasons were so. Weak. In terms of writing, especially for the villains. Discord? An unrepentant asshole most of the time with weak lessons that he barely learns. Tirek? No longer cool or threatening and gets smacked with the idiot/incontinuity stick with lines like “no creature can handle Discord’s chaos magic” (Bitch, YOU handled that chaos magic!!). Chrysalis? At least in my opinion, no longer cool or interesting, her potential/compelling motives (like only wanting the best for her hive) thrown out the window. The whole Grogar twist? Dumb and unnecessary imo. And then there’s Cozy Glow, about the most boring and incomprehensible villain in the show. She’s like a little Starlight Glimmer with even LESS of a motive or philosophy, and the way they handle her character is awful, surface value, and infuriating. Also, what does it teach kids to basically sentence a child to death? Are the citizens of Equestrian seriously so stupid and incompetent that they can’t keep a child restrained in prison?? Where did she come from? Why is she like this?? Why do writers find it cute to give the audience a half-baked character and make them fill in the blanks in order to give the character ANY substance?? Bleh. I’m in your boat, I do wish the show had ended like, three seasons earlier. It got kinda embarrassing near the end.


I completely agree; I mean, Cozy is kind of a fun character sometimes, with her crazy, megalomaniacal speeches and overblown expressions, but I could never take her seriously. It feels like the writers watched 'Cats Don't Dance', turned Darla Dimple into a pony and did nothing with it. I would suggest that Cozy could have been raised in an elitist household that deemed all non-pony creatures as scum, and she's just mirroring the racist hierarchy that she was raised to believe in, sort of like the Malfoy family in Harry Potter, but I don't think that'd work. As you said, she's too clever and manipulative for a child, and we never saw any evidence to suggest that she'd been raised in an elitist family, or any family at all, so... I'm sorry, I'm not sure what improvements could be made with a more full backstory.


I literally hated Cozy the moment she was introduced. Something just told me she wasn't what she appeared to be...Her voice and everything about her irritated the heck out of me. I hated that she had no backstory whatsoever. Like why is she even evil?? I hope you can do her more justice than what the creators did because ugh. She looks really cute in your style though. Not gonna lie lol

Dragon Turtle

Regardless of me disagreeing with you on Cozy Glow, I would be remiss to not try helping out with story suggestions. For an evil origin that ties in to her relationship with Tirek, and her Cutie Mark, I would suggest what RainbowDoubleDash proposed on Fimfiction: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/876959/thoughts-on-cozy-glow I'd also suggest reading "My Sister, Cozy Glow" by MicahDebrink on Fimfiction. It draws some logical conclusions about who Cozy's family could be, and why her home is well off the beaten path. It's also just really well written, dealing with the trauma of living with a psychopath , and life after that person has tried attacking the whole world and disgraced the family. Even if you don't want to incorporate any parts of it, I'd recommend it just for being so good! Dark moments though. If you want to go REALLY far off from canon, then maybe you could go with a suggestion from one of your fans. Back when you posted that light drawing "Disgusting," someone left a comment guessing that she was really the same Satyr species as your old villain Hamelin, and just using mind magic or something to stay disguised. That was a pretty cool thread because you didn't even remember what they were talking about (not that I did either).

Dragon Turtle

I'm not sure why people say Cozy got a death sentence, since being turned to stone is totally reversible. Also, I grew up with cartoons with kid/teen heroes and villains like KND, Grim Adventures, Fairly Oddparents, Teenage Robot, Winx Club, etc. (some were better than others). I would like to think none of those warped me or my siblings into having some innaccurate view of justice.


Honestly, I'm just as stuck as you on this. I thought perhaps she was born a sociopath and didn't show signs until neglect set in, in which she started trying to do the whole pen pal thing and "accidentally" sent one to Tartarus(derpy, did you mess up again?) And tirek actually answered it(because we all know he had nothing better to do) leading into her being severely influenced by his words. I was watching a YouTube video that randomly came across my feed and it presented the idea that she was a politician who cast a spell or made a wish to be young again and accidentally became an infant full of adult knowledge. I dunno about that one though. With what the show presented us when she was first introduced and the fact that there are already characters with that kind of story doesn't sound right to me. I'm just as stumped as you are.


I meant characters with that kind of story in other movies, btw. Not in the mlp world