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Luma (character on the left) is frustrating the heck out of me. No color palette I pick out for her looks right. I'm going for something simple, yet elegant....her current palette is too busy, yet when I simplify it it looks too bland. I kinda wanna strangle this noodle i've been at this forever

So if y'all have any ideas for a better color palette, I'd sure appreciate it! Just not pure white, it doesn't look good. And not too pretty, if you please- Luma's whole thing is that she's the manifestation of rigidity and control. Like right now, the palette I've got is too pretty and colorful (and garbage-y)

So yeah, any and all assistance would be appreciated, I think I really need a fresh perspective on this




pastel blues and greens?


Maybe cream Fur? And light/pastel cool colours, like violet?


What if you did more bland and grayish purples for the body and used the toned down yellows as highlights in her hair?


What about pastel pinks and golden yellows? I was fond of the original gold you had on her.


I personally really liked the pure cream gold version the best


I really liked the bland cream/white color you picked out in the first place. Fits the robotic personality. If you look up image of people with albinism that also have the odd blue-pink iris, thats kind of what I'm picturing in my head.


Hmm well rigidity and control makes me think of greys or also harsh lines so that could translate into high contrast. Maybe two to three colors at most in the pallet? I like an earlier comment that mentioned albinism. Maybe pale pinks could be interesting.


I'm better at visual example so let me see if I can dabble a bit in paint tool sai with some color palette ideas that might be helpful.


Took a shot at a few minor variations since you seem to want to keep her on the lighter palette spectrum to contrast her other half, I hope this possibly helps: https://sta.sh/0138ohww9xfi I wanted to see if taking a bit of the saturation away but still having interesting separations of color might make the palette feel less busy.

Kyri Arriaga

Hmmm. Just brainstorming here, but perhaps consider warm yellow. Like a sunflower. Her wings could get increasingly darker out to the tips with yellow to orange or to darker browns. Then, she hints at fire, the sun. Fire is unyielding, the sun is an ever-constant, unmoving while everything else orbits around its control. Also, yellow compliments purple.


All your color variations look stunning! 😍😍Lol fourth piece is my favorite


I turned down the saturation, contrast, and warmth to make something a little colder and more even. I like the change, and I think that coldness helps show off her character! I would avoid vivid colors


Try some light blues and whites. Maybe even a little gray


Worked on this most of the morning. Hope it helps! https://sta.sh/01ibz854ngjm

Onefoursix Tym

If she's the embodiment of order and control, I'd honestly expect something in grayscale, evocative of dystopian cityscapes, with a sharp, declarative highlight to her colors. My first thought would be red, but just about anything would work with a neutral palette to play off of. Also, sharpen up her haircut. No self respecting avatar of rigidity is going to have *waves* to her hair. Cut it sharp, clean, and hard.