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so this little bugger grew on me, i decided to include her in the pandoraverse proper. I can't complain when canon throws me a bone, I did want a Flashburst kiddo.

So anyway, Luster Dawn is the wee beloved daughter of one royal wizard Sunburst and one royal guard Flash Sentry. Though I'm a little torn on how to integrate her....which option do y'all like best?

1.) Luster is Sunburst's and Flash's biological daughter. Flash is a trans stallion and had his daughter naturally, no magic necessary, because damn it I've been sold on trans Flash ever since MustLoveFrogs proposed it on her deviantart. 

2.) Flash is still a trans dude, but having a baby kinda sucks, and maybe ain't something he'd be willing to put up with. Ergo, he and Sunburst elected to go the surrogate route. Sunburst is Luster's biological sire, and she is equally adored by her daddos. Her surrogate mom was a kindly mare from Ponyville.

3.) The same as 2, but Luster was carried by Starlight Glimmer as an act of generosity to her lifelong friend Sunburst. The relationship between Starlight and Sunburst is entirely platonic and she doesn't have much involvement in Luster's life beyond curiosity. This would make Luster the little half-sister of Midnight Abyss, who Luster lovingly annoys with her relentless sunny outlook.

(This option might be a bit strange, considering Starlight is married to Sunburst's sister, Sunset Shimmer. That'd make her Luster's aunt and stepmother? hmm)



Kyri Arriaga

I wanna nuzzle this little babberino! Too adorable for words.


I love 3, I love the idea of Midnight having a possible half-sister. But 1 allows a new story and I like it to see that side if flash. I feel she'd fit more smoothly with flash and starburst daughter instead of starlights and/or a random mare.


Personally, I like the idea of #1 best, especially since it gives us more insight into Flash as a character. #3 could provide some interesting interactions between Midnight Abyss and Luster. But yeah, the whole aunt and stepmother thing would be odd. Midnight and Luster could just be good cousins (since I'm sure that Sunburst and Flash would bring Luster to visit Starlight and Sunset all the time). :>


Sounds like either way Luster would have a relationship with midnight, just either cousins or half siblings. I don’t think that title should change the way she views her older relative. Definitely should annoy and want to be around her regardless.


I prefer #1. I like the idea of trans Flash, and I think Sunburst and Flash would make a wonderful couple. :)


Starlight would be her aunt and bio-mother, not stepmother, right? I like 1 or 3 the best. 1 would probably be the most simple in terms of story, but I do like the idea of Starlight giving such a precious gift to her friend hmmm....but yeah I think my vote is for 1 ^^ (Ohio has been rough send me love D: )


And I liked Luster a lot when I saw her. I honestly thought she was a Sunburst/Starlight kid lol


I love # 3, it’s interesting and sweet. A good combination.


I love #1 but think #2 is more likely with her coloring. She looks so happy!!